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Spark "first" Window function is taking much longer than "last"


I'm working on a pyspark routine to interpolate the missing values in a configuration table.

Imagine a table of configuration values that go from 0 to 50,000. The user specifies a few data points in between (say at 0, 50, 100, 500, 2000, 500000) and we interpolate the remainder. My solution mostly follows explain

The only differences I can see is that:

  • The first two calls (to last) show RunningWindowFunction, whereas the calls to next just read Window
  • Part 1 had a *(3) next to it, but Part 2 does not.

Some things I tried:

  • I tried further splitting part 2 into separate dataframes - the result is that each first statement takes half of the total time (~98 seconds)
  • I tried reversing the order in which I generate these columns (e.g. placing the calls to 'last' after the calls to 'first') but there's no difference. Whichever dataframe ends up containing the calls to first is the slow one.

I feel like I've done as much digging as I can and am kind of hoping a spark expert will take one look at know where this time is coming from.

CodePudding user response:

The solution that doesn't answer the question

In trying various things to speed up my routine, it occurred to me to try re-rewriting my usages of first() to just be usages of last() with a reversed sort order.

So rewriting this:

win_next = (Window.partitionBy('PORT_TYPE', 'loss_process')
  .orderBy('rank').rowsBetween(0, Window.unboundedFollowing))

df_part2 = (df_part1
  .withColumn('next_rank', F.first(F.col('rank'),         ignorenulls=True).over(win_next))
  .withColumn('next_sf',   F.first(F.col('scale_factor'), ignorenulls=True).over(win_next))

As this:

win_next = (Window.partitionBy('PORT_TYPE', 'loss_process')
  .orderBy(F.desc('rank')).rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, 0))

df_part2 = (df_part1
  .withColumn('next_rank', F.last(F.col('rank'),         ignorenulls=True).over(win_next))
  .withColumn('next_sf',   F.last(F.col('scale_factor'), ignorenulls=True).over(win_next))

Much to my amazement, this actually solved the performance problem, and now the entire dataframe is generated in just 3 seconds. I'm pleased, but still vexed.

As I somewhat predicted, the query plan now includes a new SORT step before creating these next two columns, and they've changed from Window to RunningWindowFunction as the first two. Here's the new plan (without the code broken up into 3 separate cached parts anymore, because that was just to troubleshoot performance): enter image description here

As for the question:

Why do my calls to first() over Window.unboundedFollowing take so much longer than last() over Window.unboundedPreceding?

I'm hoping someone can still answer this, for academic reasons

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