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How to return a value from the while/for loop in Scala


I am a newbie in Scala. I want to read data from Oracle database in each Spark Node and convert it to Spark DataFrame. The code is in following:

 def read_data(group_id: Int):String =  {
   val table_name = "table"
   val col_name = "col"
   val query =
  """ select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8
    | from """.stripMargin   table_name   """ where MOD(TO_NUMBER(substr(""" col_name """, -LEAST(2, LENGTH(""" col_name """)))),""" num_node """)=""" group_id
   val oracleUser = "ORCL"
   val oraclePassword = "*******"
   val oracleURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//x.x.x.x:1521/ORCLDB"
   val ods = new OracleDataSource()
   val con = ods.getConnection()
   val statement = con.createStatement()
   statement.setFetchSize(1000)      // important
   val  resultSet : java.sql.ResultSet = statement.executeQuery(query) 

   var ret = " "
   while(resultSet.next()) {
     for {i <- 1 until 8 by 1
        ret = ret.concat(resultSet.getString(i))
        ret = ret.concat(" ")
     return ret
   return ret

val conf = new SparkConf()
  .set("spark.executor.memory", "8g")
  .set("spark.executor.cores", "2")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
 val rdd = sc.parallelize(group_list,num_node)
      .map(read_data).map(x => println(x)).count()

The part of the code that I have problem is in the following:

  var ret = " "
 while(resultSet.next()) {
  for (i <- 1 until 8 by 1) {
      ret = ret.concat(resultSet.getString(i))
      ret = ret.concat(" ")
    return ret
  return ret

println("ret:",ret) print null string. When I change the code like this:

 var ret = " "
while(resultSet.next()) {
  for {i <- 1 until 8 by 1
      ret = ret.concat(resultSet.getString(i))
      ret = ret.concat(" ")
  return ret

I receive this error:

ret is already defined as value ret
      ret = ret.concat(" ")

In fact, before running, I see that code has problem with concat:

Cannot resolve symbol concat

Would you please guide me how I can access result of while/for outside them?

Any help is really appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

You can replace your code

 var ret = " "
while(resultSet.next()) {
  for {i <- 1 until 8 by 1
      ret = ret.concat(resultSet.getString(i))
      ret = ret.concat(" ")
  return ret


val ret = Iterator.continually(resultSet)
                  .flatMap(r => (1 until 8).map(i => r.getString(i)))
                  .mkString(" ")

CodePudding user response:

You're using for-comprehension here. What you actually do here is creating a new val called ret. What you write is evaluated as

for(i <- 1 until 8 by 1){
  val ret = ret.concat(resultSet.getString(i))
  val ret = ret.concat(" ")
 } yield(ret)

What you can do instead is usage of

  for {i <- 1 until 8 by 1
      _ = ret = ret.concat(resultSet.getString(i))
      _ = ret = ret.concat(" ")
  } yield(ret)

CodePudding user response:

You're using for-comprehension here. What you actually do here is creating a new val called ret. What you write is evaluated as

for(i <- 1 until 8 by 1){
  val ret = ret.concat(resultSet.getString(i))
  val ret = ret.concat(" ")
 } yield(ret)

What you can do instead is usage of

  for {i <- 1 until 8 by 1
      _ = ret = ret.concat(resultSet.getString(i))
      _ = ret = ret.concat(" ")
  } yield(ret)

Or to simplify the whole loop replace it with the following (I'm not sure what's your intent with that code, I assume you want to have whole concanated string ret, however by usage of yield I would assume you also want the intermediate steps of this process)

   val ret = new StringBuilder(" ")
   var steps: Seq[String] = Nil 
   while(resultSet.next()) {
     steps = { 
       for (i <- 1 until 8 by 1) {
        ret = ret.append(resultSet.getString(i)).append(" ")
        } yield(ret.toString)
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