Home > Back-end >  SSH framework action cannot be instantiated, applicationContext. XML file prompt no setter found pro
SSH framework action cannot be instantiated, applicationContext. XML file prompt no setter found pro


 & lt; Welcome - file - list> 
The login. Jsp

Log4jConfigLocation & lt;/param-name>
The classpath: log4j. Properties

Log4jRefreshInterval & lt;/param-name>
60000 & lt;/param-value>

WEB - INF/applicationContext *. Xml

Org. Springframework. Web. Context. ContextLoaderListener

Com. Js. Task. The listener. ProxoolListener

Org. Springframework. Web. Util. Log4jConfigListener & lt;/listener - class>

Struts 2 & lt;/filter - name>
Org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. FilterDispatcher

Struts 2 & lt;/filter - name>
/* & lt;/url - pattern>

Com. Js. Task. Util. StrutsListener


Org. Springframework. Orm. Hibernate3. Support. OpenSessionInViewFilter

*. Action

Log4jInit & lt;/servlet-name>
Com. Js. Task. Filter. Log4jInit & lt;/servlet - class>

Log4j & lt;/param-name>
WEB - INF/log4j. Properties

Org. Logicalcobwebs. Proxool. Admin. Servlet. AdminServlet

/proxool. Xml

Com. Js. Task. Filter. InvalidateServlet


The above is my configuration applicationContext "XML, struts. XML and useraction and web. XML; Excuse me what else is configured with less?

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster AZIRxcy response:
the above is my configuration applicationContext "XML, struts. XML and useraction and web. XML; Excuse me what else is configured with less?

Struts 2 the configuration of the statement seems to be wrong, try the following

Struts 2 & lt;/filter - name>
Org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. Filter. StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter

Struts 2 & lt;/filter - name>
/* & lt;/url - pattern>

CodePudding user response:

Man: thank you for your reply, I just changed as you suggest, called the 404 error, before didn't change before can be open to the home page, here is the console error information, could you please help me have a look at again, I have because of this problem for a long time,,,
 information: the Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext 
The 2020-09-14 17:30:50, 861 [main] INFO [org. Springframework. Web. Context. ContextLoader] - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started
The 2020-09-14 17:30:51, 016 [main] the DEBUG [. Org. Springframework. Web context. Support. StandardServletEnvironment] - Adding [servletConfigInitParams] PropertySource with lowest search precedence
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