Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG=log4cplus: : DailyRollingFileAppender
Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG. Threshold=INFO
Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG. Encoding=utf-8
Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG. ImmediateFlush=TRUE
Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG. Append=TRUE
Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG. Schedule=MINUTELY
Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG. DatePattern Y=% % m % d.l og
Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG. The File=log/LOGINFO
Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG. Layout=log4cplus: : PatternLayout
Log4cplus. Appender. INFO_LOG. Layout. ConversionPattern=[% d {M H % : % : % S, % Q}] [% 4 l] [p] % % M % n
Configured in this way, every output log, finally at the end of a log file to see a lot of digital log files, each switch program will generate a new file,
LOGINFO. 20200528. The log
LOGINFO. 20200528. The 1
LOGINFO. 20200528. The 2
LOGINFO. 20200528. The 3
File size beyond the default of 200 k