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C sort out problems or read the file out trouble bosses to look at!!!!!!!!!! Integral 50


Input two data after sorting out the same data don't know why

Code the following trouble help me find the bug

# include
# include
# include
using namespace std;
//int n=0;
Struct Worker {
int num;
char name[20];
int age;
Float wage;
Void input (int n, Worker * w) {

for(int i=0; iCout<& lt;" Num: ";
Cin> W [I] num;
Cout<& lt;" Name: ";
Cin> W [I]. Name;
Cout<& lt;" Age: ";
Cin> W [I] the age;
Cout<& lt;" Wage: ";
Cin> W [I]. Wage;

Void bubble_sort (int n, Worker * w) {//sorting
The Worker w1.
Bool change=true;
For (int I=n - 1; I>=1 & amp; & Change==true; I -) {
for(int j=0; JIf (w [j] num> W [j + 1] {num)
W1=w [j];
[j]=w w [j + 1);
W [j + 1)=w1;

Void write_file (char * filename, int n, Worker * w) {
Fstream outfile (filename, the ios: : out | ios: : binary);
if(! Outfile) {
Cerr<& lt;" Open the file error!" exit(1);
//outfile. Write (sizeof (char *) w, [I] (w));
for(int i=0; iOutfile. Write (sizeof (char *) w, [I] (w));
Outfile. Close ();

Void show (int n, Worker * w) {
for(int i=0; iCout<& lt;" Num: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Name: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Age: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Wage: "& lt; }

Void read_file (char * filename, int n, Worker * w) {
Fstream infile (filename, the ios: : | in ios: : binary);
if(! Infile) {
Cout<& lt;" The open ifle error!" exit(1);
//Worker * w2=new Worker [n].
//ifile. Read (w2 (char *), sizeof (w2));
for(int i=0; iInfile. Read (sizeof (char *) w, [I] (w));
Cout<& lt;" Num: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Name: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Age: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Wage: "& lt; //cout}
Infile. Close ();

The Worker * add (int & amp; Num, Worker * w) {
Int num1.
If (w==NULL | | num==0) {
Cout<& lt;" You have not creat a list!" Return NULL;
Cout<& lt;" Both please input number of extra workers: ";
Cin> Num1.
The Worker * w1=new Worker [num + num1];
for(int i=0; iIf (i>=0 & amp; & iW1=w [I] [I];
If (i>=num& & iCout<& lt;" Num: ";
Cin> W1 [I] num;
Cout<& lt;" Name: ";
Cin> W1 [I]. Name;
Cout<& lt;" Age: ";
Cin> W1 [I] the age;
Cout<& lt;" Wage: ";
Cin> W1 [I]. Wage;
Num +=num1;
Return w1.

Int the select (char * filename, int n, Worker * w) {
Cout<& lt;" Both please input the worker num: ";
Int num1.
Cin> Num1.
If (num1==0) {
return 0;
Fstream infile (filename, the ios: : | in ios: : binary);
if(! Infile) {
Cout<& lt;" The open error!" exit(1);
int i;
for(i=0; iInfile. Read (sizeof (char *) w, [I] (w));
If (num1==w [I] num) {
Cout<& lt;" Num: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Name: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Age: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Wage: "& lt; break;
If (I==n) {
Cout<& lt;" No this person "& lt; }
return 0;

Int main () {
int n=0;
Int num=0;
The Worker * w=NULL;
Cout<& lt;" Worker_system "& lt; Cout<& lt;" 1. Creat "& lt; Cout<& lt;" 2. Add "& lt; Cout<& lt;" 3. The sort "& lt; Cout<& lt;" 4. Select "& lt; Cout<& lt;" 5. Show "& lt; Cout<& lt;" 6. The exit "& lt; While (1) {
Cout<& lt;" Do your choice: ";
Cin> n;
{if (n==6)
The switch (n) {
Case 1:
//coutIf (num==0) {
Cout<& lt;" Do the import number of worker: ";
Cin> Num.
W=new Worker (num);
Input (num, w);
Write_file (" worker_sys. TXT ", num, w);
The else {
Cout<& lt;" Already creat a list!" break;
Case 2:
W=add (num, w);
//coutWrite_file (" worker_sys. TXT ", num, w);
Case 3:
If (num==0) {
//bubble_sort (num, w); break;
Cout<& lt;" You have not creat a list!" break;
The else {
Bubble_sort (num, w);
Case 4:
If (num==0) {
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