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copying specific value x times into a new column


I am having a hard time transforming an unstructured data thats in an excel sheet into a structured tabular format in python so I can do data analysis on it.

I want to copy the location (i.e. Paris) into Col 4 to its corresponding rows. The rows below # of x represent one person, which can vary. For example Milan has 3 entries while London has 4.

Additionally, removing the rows with no entries like Paris and Rome.

I kind of have an idea but do not know how to implement it. If Col 2 is not # of Cafes to Visit or not a numeric then copy that value into Col 4 until you find the next entry...not sure about this though :(

Can someone help me?


Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4
Location Paris
# of Shops To Visit # of Cafes to Visit # of Museums to Visit
Location Milan
# of Shops To Visit # of Cafes to Visit # of Museums to Visit
3 5 3
2 4 4
5 6 7
Location London
# of Shops To Visit # of Cafes to Visit # of Museums to Visit
6 6 2
3 5 0
5 4 1
5 4 1
Location Rome
# of Shops To Visit # of Cafes to Visit # of Museums to Visit


Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4
3 5 3 Milan
2 4 4 Milan
5 6 7 Milan
6 6 2 London
3 5 0 London
5 4 1 London
5 4 1 London

CodePudding user response:


#Removing the rows with no entries like Paris and Rome.
df['dummy'] = df['Col 2'].replace('# of Cafes to Visit|[0-9] ', np.nan, regex=True).ffill()
df = df.groupby('dummy').filter(lambda x: len(x) > 2).drop(columns=['dummy'])

#Moving Locations to Col 4
df['Col 4'].fillna(df['Col 2'], inplace=True)
df['Col 4'].replace('# of Cafes to Visit|[0-9] ', np.nan, regex=True, inplace=True)
df['Col 4'].ffill(inplace=True)

df = df[~df['Col 1'].isin(['# of Shops To Visit', 'Location'])]
df[['Col 1', 'Col 2', 'Col 3']] = df[['Col 1', 'Col 2', 'Col 3']].replace(r'\D ', np.nan, regex=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)


  Col 1 Col 2 Col 3   Col 4
0     3     5     3   Milan
1     2     4     4   Milan
2     5     6     7   Milan
3     6     6     2  London
4     3     5     0  London
5     5     4     1  London
6     5     4     1  London

CodePudding user response:

To approach this problem, I first gathered the cities individually:

data = pd.read_csv(path,delim_whitespace=True,header=None,names=['col1','col2','col3'])
cities = data[data['col1']=='Location']['col2'].reset_index(drop=True) 

I then figured out which row would apply to each city in the above data series by finding when the data in 'col3' was not null:

city_inds = np.cumsum(np.logical_not(pd.notna(data['col3'])))-1

Finally, you can use these indices into the original cities data series to allocate the correct city into to the original dataframe. Then, we can drop the rows that are irrelevant:

data['cities'] = cities.iloc[city_inds].reset_index(drop=True)
data = data[data['col1'].str.isnumeric()].reset_index(drop=True)  #drop rows which aren't numeric in col1
Out[]:   col1 col2 col3  cities
0     3    5    3   Milan
1     2    4    4   Milan
2     5    6    7   Milan
3     6    6    2  London
4    3    5    0  London
5    5    4    1  London
6    5    4    1  London
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