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Jetty 9.4.30 load the jar in the war file error


JAR entry meta-inf/resources not found in C: \ Tem [0 mblak \ webapps \ webapp \ WEB - INF \ lib \ JXL - 2.6 JAR
Java. IO. FileNotFoundException: JAR entry meta-inf/resources not found in C: \ TempletBlak \ webapps \ webapp \ WEB - INF \ lib \ JXL - 2.6 JAR
The at sun.net.www.protocol.jar.JarURLConnection.connect (Unknown Source)
The at sun.net.www.protocol.jar.JarURLConnection.getJarFile (Unknown Source)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Util. Resource. JarFileResource. NewConnection (JarFileResource. Java: 124)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Util. Resource. JarResource. CheckConnection (JarResource. Java: 69)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Util. Resource. JarFileResource. CheckConnection (JarFileResource. Java: 92)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Util. Resource. JarFileResource. The exists (JarFileResource. Java: 151)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Webapp. MetaInfConfiguration. ScanForResources (MetaInfConfiguration. Java: 218)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Webapp. MetaInfConfiguration. ScanJars (MetaInfConfiguration. Java: 168)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Webapp. MetaInfConfiguration. PreConfigure (MetaInfConfiguration. Java: 106)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Webapp. WebAppContext. PreConfigure (WebAppContext. Java: 488)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Webapp. WebAppContext. DoStart (WebAppContext. Java: 523)
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. AbstractLifeCycle. Start (AbstractLifeCycle. Java: 72)
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. ContainerLifeCycle. Start (ContainerLifeCycle. Java: 169)
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. ContainerLifeCycle. DoStart (ContainerLifeCycle. Java: 117)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Server. Handler. AbstractHandler. DoStart (AbstractHandler. Java: 97)
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. AbstractLifeCycle. Start (AbstractLifeCycle. Java: 72)
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. ContainerLifeCycle. Start (ContainerLifeCycle. Java: 169)
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. ContainerLifeCycle. DoStart (ContainerLifeCycle. Java: 117)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Server. Handler. AbstractHandler. DoStart (AbstractHandler. Java: 97)
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. AbstractLifeCycle. Start (AbstractLifeCycle. Java: 72)
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. ContainerLifeCycle. Start (ContainerLifeCycle. Java: 169)
At org. Eclipse. Jetty. The server. The server start (408) server. Java:
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. ContainerLifeCycle. DoStart (ContainerLifeCycle. Java: 110)
The at org. Eclipse. Jetty. Server. Handler. AbstractHandler. DoStart (AbstractHandler. Java: 97)
At org. Eclipse. Jetty. The server. The server doStart (372) server. Java:
At org.eclipse.jetty.util.com ponent. AbstractLifeCycle. Start (AbstractLifeCycle. Java: 72)

Environmental jetty 9.4.30 JDK 1.8

CodePudding user response:

Packaged with the ANT

CodePudding user response:

JAR entry meta-inf/resources not found in C: \ Tem [0 mblak \ webapps \ webapp \ WEB - INF \ lib \ JXL - 2.6 JAR
Java. IO. FileNotFoundException: JAR entry meta-inf/resources not found in C: \ TempletBlak \ webapps \ webapp \ WEB - INF \ lib \ JXL - 2.6 JAR

Checks a disk and the system environment variables (temporary files) note:

C: \ Tem [0 mblak gibberish, C: \ TempletBlak, memory, disk failure

CodePudding user response:

Reading the newspaper is the lack of fault jars
Java. IO. FileNotFoundException : JAR entry meta-inf/resources not found in C: \ TempletBlak \ webapps \ webapp \ WEB - INF \ lib \ JXL - 2.6. Jar

1. Check whether ant package lack of jar package reference
2. Download JXL - 2.6. The jar on the WEB - INF \ lib directory

CodePudding user response:

Try to change a computer first deployment

CodePudding user response:

reference pan reply: 3/f goblin
newspaper fault was lack of jar package
Java. IO. FileNotFoundException : JAR entry meta-inf/resources not found in C: \ TempletBlak \ webapps \ webapp \ WEB - INF \ lib \ JXL - 2.6. Jar

1. Check whether ant package lack of jar package reference
2. Download JXL - 2.6. The jar on the WEB - INF \ lib directory

WEB - INF \ lib has the JAR the JAR meta-inf no resources directory

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor tianfang response:
JAR entry meta-inf/resources not found in C: \ Tem [0 mblak \ webapps \ webapp \ WEB - INF \ lib \ JXL - 2.6 JAR
Java. IO. FileNotFoundException: JAR entry meta-inf/resources not found in C: \ TempletBlak \ webapps \ webapp \ WEB - INF \ lib \ JXL - 2.6 JAR

Checks a disk and the system environment variables (temporary files) note:

C: \ Tem [0 mblak gibberish, C: \ TempletBlak, memory, disk failure

This is not the code I copy and paste

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor tianfang response:
, first try using a computer to deploy

Had no effect in the environment

CodePudding user response:

In the environment what mistake

CodePudding user response:


Is it because the problem of servlet3.1

refer to the eighth floor tianfang response:
what changed environment error

The same mistakenullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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