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Windows compile node - its sqlite3 failure, for help


I'm learning to use the node - its, the project in the project need to use sqlite3, but normal NPM install sqlite3 can't use, need to recompile,

I have installed the vc 2015, win 10 SDK, python2.7, to run the CMD administrator, but still report compilation errors, which a great god know the reason, thanks a lot!

 d: \ \ node_modules \ sqlite3 NWJS - SDK & gt; Node - pre - gyp rebuild - runtime=node - its - target_arch=ia32 - target=0.24.3 
The node - pre - gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
The node - pre - gyp info using [email protected]
The node - pre - gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | ia32
Gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
Gyp info using [email protected]
Gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | ia32
Gyp info ok
Gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
Gyp info using [email protected]
Gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | ia32
Gyp info spawn C: \ Users \ liu \ Windows - build - tools \ python27 \ python EXE
Gyp info spawn args [' C: \ \ Users \ \ liu \ \ AppData \ \ Roaming \ \ NPM \ \ node_modules - gyp nw \ \ \ \ gyp \ \ gyp_main py ',
Gyp info spawn args' binding. Gyp,
Gyp info spawn args' -f,
Gyp info spawn args' MSVS,
Gyp info spawn args' -g '
Gyp info spawn args' msvs_version=auto,
Gyp info spawn args' -i '
Gyp info spawn args' d: \ \ \ \ NWJS - SDK node_modules \ \ sqlite3 \ \ build \ \ config gypi ',
Gyp info spawn args' -i '
Gyp info spawn args' C: \ \ Users \ \ liu \ \ AppData \ \ Roaming \ \ NPM \ \ node_modules - gyp nw \ \ \ \ addon gypi ',
Gyp info spawn args' -i '
Gyp info spawn args' C: \ \ Users \ \ liu \ \. Nw - gyp \ \ 0.24.3 \ \ common gypi ',
Gyp info spawn args' - Dlibrary=shared_library,
Gyp info spawn args' - Dvisibility=default,
Gyp info spawn args' - Dnode_root_dir=C: \ \ Users \ \ liu \ \. Nw - gyp \ \ 0.24.3 ',
Gyp info spawn args' - Dnode_gyp_dir=C: \ \ Users \ \ liu \ \ AppData \ \ Roaming \ \ NPM \ \ node_modules - gyp nw \ \ ',
Gyp info spawn args' - Dnode_lib_file=nw. Lib ',
Gyp info spawn args' - Dmodule_root_dir=d: \ \ \ \ NWJS - SDK node_modules \ \ sqlite3 ',
Gyp info spawn args' -- the depth=. ',
Gyp info spawn args' - no - parallel ',
Gyp info spawn args' - Dv13=1 ',
Gyp info spawn args' -- the generator - the output,
Gyp info spawn args \ \ 'd: \ \ NWJS - SDK node_modules \ \ sqlite3 \ \ build',
Gyp info spawn args' - Goutput_dir=. ']
Gyp info ok
Gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
Gyp info using [email protected]
Gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | ia32
Gyp info spawn C: \ Program Files \ (x86) MSBuild \ 14.0 \ bin \ MSBuild exe
Gyp info spawn args [' build/binding. The SLNS 'detected,
Gyp info spawn args'/CLP: Verbosity=minimal,
Gyp info spawn args'/nologo '
Gyp info spawn args'/p: Configuration=Release; Platform]=Win32 '
A generation in the solution of a project, to enable parallel, please add "/m" switch,
Sqlite3. C
D: \ \ node_modules NWJS - SDK \ sqlite3/build/Release/obj \ global_intermediate \ \ sqlite3 sqlite - autoconf - 3150000 c (295) : fatal er
Ror C1083: always open include file: 'stdarg. H: No to the file or directory [d: \ \ node_modules NWJS - SDK \ sqlite3 \ build \ deps

\ sqlite3 vcxproj]Gyp ERR! The build error
Gyp ERR! Stack the Error: ` C: \ Program Files \ (x86) MSBuild \ 14.0 \ bin \ MSBuild exe ` failed with exit code: 1
Gyp ERR! Stack the at ChildProcess. OnExit (C: \ Users \ liu \ AppData \ Roaming/NPM/node_modules/nw - gyp \ lib \ build js: 294:23)
Gyp ERR! Stack the at emitTwo (events. Js: 125:13)
Gyp ERR! Stack the at ChildProcess. Emit (events. Js: 213:7)
Gyp ERR! The stack at the Process. The ChildProcess. _handle. Onexit (internal/child_process. Js: 200:12)
Gyp ERR! The System Windows_NT 10.0.14393
Gyp ERR! The command "D: \ \ nodejs \ \ node exe" "C: \ \ Users \ \ liu \ \ AppData \ \ Roaming \ \ NPM \ \ node_modules - gyp nw \ \ \ \ bin \ \ nw - gyp js" "build" "- the runtime=node - its" "- target_arch=ia32" "-- target=0.24.3" "- the module=D: \ \ \ \ NWJS - SDK node_modules \ \ sqlite3 \ \ lib \ \ binding \ \ node - its - v0.24.3 - win32 - ia32 \ \ node_sqlite3 node" "- module_name=node_sqlite3" "- module_path=D: \ \ \ \ NWJS - SDK node_modules \ \ sqlite3 \ \ lib \ \ binding \ \ node - its - v0.24.3 - win32 - ia32"
Gyp ERR! CWD d: \ \ node_modules NWJS - SDK \ sqlite3
Gyp ERR! Node - v v8.4.0
Gyp ERR! Nw - gyp - v v3.4.0
Gyp ERR! Not ok
The node - pre - gyp ERR! The build error
The node - pre - gyp ERR! Stack the Error: Failed to execute 'nw - gyp. CMD build - the runtime=node - its - target_arch=ia32 - target=0.24.3 - module=d: \ \ node_modules \ sqlite3 NWJS - SDK \ lib \ binding \ node - its - v0.24.3 - win32 - ia32 \ node_sqlite3 node - module_name=node_sqlite3 module_path=d: \ \ node_modules \ sqlite3 NWJS - SDK \ lib \ binding \ node - its - v0.24.3 - win32 - ia32' (1)
The node - pre - gyp ERR! Stack the at ChildProcess. & lt; Anonymous> (C: \ Users \ liu \ AppData \ Roaming/NPM/node_modules/node - pre - gyp \ lib \ util \ the compile js: 83:29)
The node - pre - gyp ERR! Stack the at emitTwo (events. Js: 125:13)
The node - pre - gyp ERR! Stack the at ChildProcess. Emit (events. Js: 213:7)
The node - pre - gyp ERR! Stack the at maybeClose (internal/child_process. Js: 927:16)
The node - pre - gyp ERR! The stack at the Process. The ChildProcess. _handle. Onexit (internal/child_process. Js: 211:5)
The node - pre - gyp ERR! The System Windows_NT 10.0.14393
The node - pre - gyp ERR! nullnullnullnullnullnull
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