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GPIO_led. C


In front of the initialization process has already become the digital I/O set GPIOA outlet
I want to ask the following main program function, will output low level can directly make the LED pin out?? The pin connected with LED directly?? Still need to see the pin connection with LED?? (see program is online download program, is not just watch and write according to the specific connection circuit analysis)
GpioDataRegs. GPADAT. Bit. GPIOA0=0;//out LED
GpioDataRegs. GPADAT. Bit. GPIOA1=0;//LI: initialization time has set a digital I/O output
GpioDataRegs. GPADAT. Bit. GPIOA2=0;
GpioDataRegs. GPADAT. Bit. GPIOA3=0;//pin is output low level out? Pin directly connected to the LED lights??
GpioDataRegs. GPADAT. Bit. GPIOA4=0;
GpioDataRegs. GPADAT. Bit. GPIOA5=0;
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