Home > Back-end >  Is there way to get value of CDATA and convert in json or array format in php?
Is there way to get value of CDATA and convert in json or array format in php?


Here is what it looks like after getting value from CDATA via simplexmlelement

$data = "{customertype=New, Telephone=09832354544, CITY=Henfield, LASTNAME=C, TicketNo=123456, FIRSTNAME=Alex, Id=10001273, testfield=123456, COMPANY=Camp1}"

I tried looking into solutions in google but i am not able to find one which would convert this set of strings to array.

I want this data to convert into array something like this

["customertype"] = ["New"]
["Telephone"] = ["09832354544"]

so and so forth or something similar as how array looks like. Thanks in advance

CodePudding user response:

Given your data string format, you may do as follows:
First of all, remove the brackets { }
Then explode the string using the , delimiter.
Now, you have array of strings containing for example customertype=New.
Next is the tricky part, the result string looks like a query, so we're gonna use parse_str() to make an associative array:

The result will be something similar to this:

array:9 [▼
  0 => array:1 [▼
    "customertype" => "New"
  1 => array:1 [▼
    "Telephone" => "09832354544"
  2 => array:1 [▼
    "CITY" => "Henfield"

And here's the code:

    $data = "{customertype=New, Telephone=09832354544, CITY=Henfield, LASTNAME=C, TicketNo=123456, FIRSTNAME=Alex, Id=10001273, testfield=123456, COMPANY=Camp1}";

    $rippedData = str_replace(["{", "}"],"", $data);

    $singleData= explode(",", $rippedData);

    $finalArray = [];
    foreach($singleData as $string){
        parse_str($string, $output);
        $finalArray[] = $output;

CodePudding user response:

$data = "{customertype=New, Telephone=09832354544, CITY=Henfield, LASTNAME=C, TicketNo=123456, FIRSTNAME=Alex, Id=10001273, testfield=123456, COMPANY=Camp1}";

$stripped = str_replace(['{','}'], '', $data);
$explode = explode(', ', $stripped);

$output = [];

foreach ($explode as $value) {
    $inner_explode = explode('=', $value);
    $output[$inner_explode[0]] = $inner_explode[1];


Results in

array(9) {
    string(3) "New"
    string(11) "09832354544"
    string(8) "Henfield"
    string(1) "C"
    string(6) "123456"
    string(4) "Alex"
    string(8) "10001273"
    string(6) "123456"
    string(5) "Camp1"

CodePudding user response:

This should work, though there's probably a better/cleaner way to code this.

$data = "{customertype=New, Telephone=09832354544, CITY=Henfield, LASTNAME=C, TicketNo=123456, FIRSTNAME=Alex, Id=10001273, testfield=123456, COMPANY=Camp1}";

// Replace squiggles
$replace_this = array("{","}");
$replace_data = str_replace($replace_this,"",$data);

// Explode and create array
$data_array = explode(',',$replace_data);

// Loop through the data_array
foreach($data_array as $value) {
    // Explode the value on the equal sign
    $explode_again = explode('=', $value);

    // Create new array with correct indexes and values
    $CDTA[trim($explode_again[0])] = $explode_again[1];
echo '<pre>' . var_export($CDTA, true) . '</pre>';


array (
  'customertype' => 'New',
  'Telephone' => '09832354544',
  'CITY' => 'Henfield',
  'LASTNAME' => 'C',
  'TicketNo' => '123456',
  'FIRSTNAME' => 'Alex',
  'Id' => '10001273',
  'testfield' => '123456',
  'COMPANY' => 'Camp1',
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