Here is my bash script
cookie_value="'cookie: PF='$PF'; cwmsk='$cwmsk'; BIGipServerNP_QA_QFLOGINQAS0_7011='$BIGipServerNP_QA_QFLOGINQAS0_7011'; aatoken='$aatoken'; UserName='$UserName'; Auth='$Auth'; XSRF-TOKEN='$XSRF-TOKEN'; z='$z'; BN20='$BN20'; UserFirmId='$UserFirmId'; TS01a1bccb='$TS01a1bccb'; TS01e14722='$TS01e14722';"
echo cookie_value
Please tell me where i need to add cookie_jar file. So that it can bring cookievalue (string it will return)
CodePudding user response:
- sole objective is to display cookie values on stdout where ...
cookie value
is the last entry from any lines that contain the stringTRUE
- NOTE: it's not apparent (to me) if there's an explicit ordering of the output
One awk
awk '
/TRUE|FALSE/ { printf "%s%s",pfx,$NF; pfx=" " }
END { print "\n" }
' cookie_jar
This generates:
01786344cc36119d024ed021fc31dad790cc200981f044 1we9edfauoefklare 1teji23jksdfas !qaE44xdbX2OjQtdL9Ez/f7vw2P/dxPd2WvZ9xQ== 01786344cc027084e046d692cedc2bbedc95e2512d8557aedca2
If OP needs to access these later in the script then I'm assuming the cookie name will also be required in which case I'd recommend storing the cookie name/value pairs in an associative array, eg:
unset cookies
declare -A cookies
while read -r cname cvalue
done < <(awk '/TRUE|FALSE/ {print $(NF-1),$NF}' cookie_jar)
This produces the following array structure/contents:
$ typeset -p cookies
declare -A cookies=([BUILD0]="1teji23jksdfas" [TS01dda1cb]="01786344cc027084e046d692cedc2bbedc95e2512d8557aedca2" [TS21xx72R2]="01786344cc36119d024ed021fc31dad790cc200981f044" [UserxxxId]="1we9edfauoefklare" [BIGipS~NP_QA_QF~LQAS0_7011]="!qaE44xdbX2OjQtdL9Ez/f7vw2P/dxPd2WvZ9xQ==" )
From here OP can access the arry entries as needed, eg:
for i in "${!cookies[@]}"
echo "name = ${i} / value = ${cookies[${i}]}"
Which generates:
name = BUILD0 / value = 1teji23jksdfas
name = TS01dda1cb / value = 01786344cc027084e046d692cedc2bbedc95e2512d8557aedca2
name = TS21xx72R2 / value = 01786344cc36119d024ed021fc31dad790cc200981f044
name = UserxxxId / value = 1we9edfauoefklare
name = BIGipS~NP_QA_QF~LQAS0_7011 / value = !qaE44xdbX2OjQtdL9Ez/f7vw2P/dxPd2WvZ9xQ==