Home > Back-end >  QT according to gray image, a great god help! Genuflect is begged!
QT according to gray image, a great god help! Genuflect is begged!


 projects need to display in the opencv Mat, 

Origin. The create (M, N, CV_8UC1);//in the Origin of the value of 0-256
QImage scaledImg;
Img=QImage ((const unsigned char *) (Origin. Data), Origin, cols, Origin, rows, Origin, step, QImage: : Format_Indexed8);
QVector ColorTable.
For (int k=0; K<256; + + k)
ColorTable. Push_back (qRgb (k, k, k));
Img. SetColorTable (colorTable);
ScaledImg=img. Scaled (UI - & gt; Tuxiang - & gt; The size (), Qt: : IgnoreAspectRatio);
The UI - & gt; Widgets - & gt; SetPixmap (QPixmap: : fromImage (scaledImg));
The UI - & gt; Widgets - & gt; The resize (UI - & gt; Widgets - & gt; The pixmap () - & gt; The size ());
The UI - & gt; Widgets - & gt; show();

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Display image should have for gray image, become a jagged??
Great god see, genuflect is begged that step appeared problem,,, really appreciate it
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