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C# How can I change the value from static class?


So this is the Program cs. I want to change the value of int in my StaticClass.cs ** I want to delcare a printing sentence " How long do you want me to generate " then change the value of N in StaticClass.

class Program

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Constructor ct = new Constructor(StaticClass.n);

Here my constructor class. Method of Pascal Triangle

class Constructor
    int[][] triangle = new int[StaticClass.n][];

    public Constructor(int n)

    public void xmethod(int n)
        for (int row = 0; row < triangle.Length; row  )

            //Each row is a subarray of length 1 greater than row number
            triangle[row] = new int[row   1];
            //set the values in a row

            for (int k = 0; k < triangle[row].Length; k  )

                // if not first or last element in the row

                if (k > 0 & k < triangle[row].Length - 1)
                    //set it to sum of the element above it
                    //and the one above and to the left
                    triangle[row][k] = triangle[row - 1][k - 1]   triangle[row - 1][k];

                //otherwise this is an end point, set it to 1

                    triangle[row][k] = 1;

                //display value
                Console.Write(triangle[row][k]   "\t");
            // Finished processing row-send cursor to next line

Here my StaticClass for the long of Pascal Triangle

class StaticClass
    public const int n = 15;

    // I want to change the value of N using the Console Writeline. 



CodePudding user response:

You cannot change the value of a const. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/constants

Use a static property instead.


static class StaticClass
    public static int n = 15;

    // I want to change the value of N using the Console Writeline. 

CodePudding user response:

n needs to be updatable then instead of const use static; but Console.WriteLine() is not something you would use to change the value. You'll need to be more clear about what you want to do. Do you want someone to input the value of n - with a Console.ReadLine?

So ... from what I gather -- I think you want to change your Main to write your question: " How long do you want me to generate " then read the line for user input. Then print your triangle. Something like :

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("How long do you want me to generate? ");
        int inNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        Constructor ct = new Constructor(inNum);

Then from what I see ... your Constructor needs to change:

    public Constructor(int n)
        triangle = new int[n][];

CodePudding user response:

Make your public const field a public static property instead:

public static int N { get; set; } = 15;

Change it like

StaticClass.N = 16;

You said "change it with WriteLine" - WriteLine outputs things, it doesn't change thing. Perhaps you meant ReadLine:

Console.WriteLine("How many levels? ");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
StaticClass.N = int.Parse(input);

Do please find a better name for StaticClass; classes should be named for what they represent in a more real world sense (like.. Configuration?) not what they are in a C# sense (yes, it's a static class, but it doesn't mean we should call it that)

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