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Setting the values of filtered rows of dataframe equal to the column of another dataframe


I have a dataframe df1:

df1 = pd.DataFrame([['a','Yes','abc def msg1'],
                    ['b', 'No', 'ghi jkl msg2'],
                    ['c','Yes','mno pqr msg3'],
                    ['d', 'No', 'stu vwx msg4'],
                    ['a', 'Yes', 'bcd efg msg5'],
                    ['c','No','hij klm msg6'],
                    ['a','No','nop qrs msg7'],
                    ['b','No','tuv wxy msg8']],

unit_name   is_required dummy_column
    a            Yes    abc def msg1
    b             No    ghi jkl msg2
    c            Yes    mno pqr msg3
    d             No    stu vwx msg4
    a            Yes    bcd efg msg5
    c             No    hij klm msg6
    a             No    nop qrs msg7
    b             No    tuv wxy msg8

Whose rows having unit_name = 'a' and is_required='Yes' are used to derive another dataframe df2:

dummy1  dummy2  msg_column  value
abc      def    msg1        val1
bcd      efg    msg5        val2

Now I want to add the value column of df2 to df1. The rows that don't have the value must contain '-'. So the expected output I want is:

unit_name   is_required dummy_column    value
    a            Yes    abc def msg1    val1
    b             No    ghi jkl msg2    -
    c            Yes    mno pqr msg3    -
    d             No    stu vwx msg4    -
    a            Yes    bcd efg msg5    val2
    c             No    hij klm msg6    -
    a             No    nop qrs msg7    -
    b             No    tuv wxy msg8    -

In order to do this, I tried the below line of code:

df1.loc[(df1.unit_name=='a') & (df1.is_required=='Yes'),'value'] = df2['value']

But I'm getting the result:

unit_name   is_required dummy_column    value
    a            Yes    abc def msg1    val1
    b             No    ghi jkl msg2    -
    c            Yes    mno pqr msg3    -
    d             No    stu vwx msg4    -
    a            Yes    bcd efg msg5    -
    c             No    hij klm msg6    -
    a             No    nop qrs msg7    -
    b             No    tuv wxy msg8    -

Now I understand that this is happening because while equating two columns, the index value of the LHS will be used to get the values from RHS.

How do I get the output I need? Any ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance!

CodePudding user response:

Problem is there is different indices in both DataFrames.

Possible solution if number of filtered rows is same like number rows in df2:

print (((df1.unit_name=='a') & (df1.is_required=='Yes')).sum(), len(df2.index))

Then is possible use:

df1.loc[(df1.unit_name=='a') & (df1.is_required=='Yes'),'value'] = df2['value'].to_numpy()
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