Home > Back-end >  MATLAB: OPC DA an error: "the Exception in the thread" AWT EventQueue - 0 "Java. Lang
MATLAB: OPC DA an error: "the Exception in the thread" AWT EventQueue - 0 "Java. Lang


Error details:
 the Exception in the thread "is the AWT - EventQueue - 0" Java. Lang. NullPointerException 
At com. Mathworks. Toolbox. Opc. ServerNamespaceClient. AddNodesToTree (ServerNamespaceClient. Java: 905)
At com. Mathworks. Toolbox. Opc. ServerNamespaceClient. UpdateSNSTree (ServerNamespaceClient. Java: 991)
At com. Mathworks. Toolbox. Opc. ServerNamespaceClient. UpdateGuiSNSFn (ServerNamespaceClient. Java: 999)
At com. Mathworks. Toolbox. Opc. ServerNamespaceClient. Access the $200 (25) ServerNamespaceClient. Java:
At com. Mathworks. Toolbox. Opc. ServerNamespaceClient $Guisnsfn. MatlabEvent (ServerNamespaceClient. Java: 1272)
At com. Mathworks. Jmi. MatlabMCR $AWTReplyEvent. Run (1718) MatlabMCR. Java:
The at Java. The awt. Event. InvocationEvent. Dispatch (InvocationEvent. Java: 311)
The at Java awt. EventQueue. DispatchEventImpl (EventQueue. Java: 756)
At Java awt. EventQueue. Access the $500 (97) EventQueue. Java:
At Java awt. EventQueue $3. The run (709) EventQueue. Java:
At Java awt. EventQueue $3. The run (703) EventQueue. Java:
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
The at Java. Security. ProtectionDomain $JavaSecurityAccessImpl. DoIntersectionPrivilege (ProtectionDomain. Java: 80)
The at Java awt. EventQueue. DispatchEvent (EventQueue. Java: 726)
The at Java awt. EventDispatchThread. PumpOneEventForFilters (EventDispatchThread. Java: 201)
The at Java awt. EventDispatchThread. PumpEventsForFilter (EventDispatchThread. Java: 116)
The at Java awt. EventDispatchThread. PumpEventsForHierarchy (EventDispatchThread. Java: 105)
The at Java awt. EventDispatchThread. PumpEvents (EventDispatchThread. Java: 101)
The at Java awt. EventDispatchThread. PumpEvents (EventDispatchThread. Java: 93)
The at Java awt. EventDispatchThread. Run (EventDispatchThread. Java: 82)

According to the MathWork OPC DA document operating the club's official website,
Stuck in the step 7, Simulation sub option at the bottom of the Items are not open, is submitted to the above error, DA also stuck,

MATLAB to Java error online a lot, I tried to modify the MATLAB. The PRF but did not work,

Please help, thank you.
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