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Compile error with Kotlin generics and sealed interface


I have a question regarding Kotlin and generics. I have a compile error, that I don't understand. I have a very simplified example below. Since Kotlin data classes can't inherit from other data classes, I've done a lot of my class design with composition. That leads to nested data classes. At some points I use generics to switch the type for parameters I can pass into an object. I need to modify values of these data classes and because they are immutable, I use the copy function and put that stuff into a Mutator class.

class Mutator<out P : Params>(val form: Form<P>) {
    fun modifyName(name: String): Form<P> =
        when (form.params) {
            is DefaultParams -> form.copy(params = form.params.copy(name = name)) // compile error
            is ExtendedParams -> form.copy(params = form.params.copy(name = name)) // compile error
            else -> form // also.. why do I need that.. Params is sealed..

sealed interface Params

data class DefaultParams(val name: String) : Params
data class ExtendedParams(val name: String, val age: Int) : Params

data class Form<out P : Params>(val params: P)

fun main() {
    val form: Form<DefaultParams> = Form(DefaultParams("John"))
    val mutator: Mutator<DefaultParams> = Mutator(form)
    val newForm: Form<DefaultParams> = mutator.modifyName("Joe")

    val next_form: Form<ExtendedParams> = Form(ExtendedParams("John", 30))
    val next_mutator: Mutator<ExtendedParams> = Mutator(next_form)
    val next_newForm: Form<ExtendedParams> = next_mutator.modifyName("Joe")

I get errors on the first two branches of the when block.

Type mismatch. Required: P Found: DefaultParams

Type mismatch. Required: P Found: ExtendedParams

Shouldn't Params be the upper bound of P and thus fine to find DefaultParams or ExtendedParams? And also Params should be sealed, but I need an else block in the when.

CodePudding user response:

I would suggest that you just use an unchecked cast here:

is DefaultParams -> form.copy(params = form.params.copy(name = name) as P)
is ExtendedParams -> form.copy(params = form.params.copy(name = name) as P)

Note that this unchecked cast is very safe, because of the semantics of the copy method. copy does not change the runtime type of its receiver. Therefore, it is no more unsafe to pass the copied form.params than to pass the original form.params. And the compiler allows you to pass the original form.params here. The compiler is just not smart enough to work out that since form.params is a specific Params, P must be that specific Params too.

The when statement is not exhaustive because the type of form.params is not Params, but P. (Yes, the compiler is quite stupid sometimes). According to the spec, a condition for an exhaustive when expression is:

The bound expression is of a sealed class or interface

Note that it doesn't say "a type parameter bounded to a sealed class or interface". So if you just add as Params, it will become exhaustive:

fun modifyName(name: String): Form<P> =
    (form.params as Params).let { formParams ->
        when (formParams) {
            is DefaultParams -> form.copy(params = formParams.copy(name = name) as P)
            is ExtendedParams -> form.copy(params = formParams.copy(name = name) as P)

CodePudding user response:

I'm not sure exactly myself why it is the case, but I think it's something to do with P being a generic. Because if you rewrite the Mutator as this you can leave out the else and there's also no error.

class Mutator(val form: Form<Params>) {
    fun modifyName(name: String): Form<Params> =
        when (form.params) {
            is DefaultParams -> form.copy(params = form.params.copy(name = name)) // compile error
            is ExtendedParams -> form.copy(params = form.params.copy(name = name)) // compile error

In fact, I think for your use case you don't need generics and this solution might be exactly what you need.


if you modify it to this

class Mutator<out P : Params>(val form: Form<P>) {
    fun modifyName(name: String): Form<P> =
        when (form.params) {
            is DefaultParams -> form.copy(params = (form.params.copy(name = name) as P))
            is ExtendedParams -> form.copy(params = (form.params.copy(name = name) as P))
            else -> form

it should work like you wanted. It will no longer have a compiler error. It will give a warning though that as P is an unchecked cast. But for us it's easy to see that this never will be a problem. I guess the compiler is just not smart enough.

CodePudding user response:

You have to cast the parameters to P because that is what the compiler expects for the copy function. However, this gives you an Unchecked cast exception. You can avoid this by using an inline function instead and declaring your type parameter as reified (see the Kotlin docs on unchecked casts).

inline fun<reified P: Params> Form<P>.modifyName(name: String): Form<P> =
    when (this.params) {
        is DefaultParams -> copy(params = params.copy(name = name) as P)
        is ExtendedParams -> copy(params = params.copy(name = name) as P)
        else -> this

sealed interface Params

data class DefaultParams(val name: String) : Params
data class ExtendedParams(val name: String, val age: Int) : Params

data class Form<out P : Params>(val params: P)

fun main() {
    val form: Form<DefaultParams> = Form(DefaultParams("John"))
    val newForm: Form<DefaultParams> = form.modifyName("Joe")

    val nextForm: Form<ExtendedParams> = Form(ExtendedParams("John", 30))
    val nextNewForm: Form<ExtendedParams> = nextForm.modifyName("Joe")
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