Requirements: 1 on the basis of the experiment, using the class inheritance mechanism, developing a can to the student, teacher and curriculum management system, has the following functions:
1) create multiple students, teachers, course object, and set up the relevant attributes,
2) students, the teacher inherit the common base class -- CPerson, class derived undergraduate students, graduate students, allow in-service students are (is a teacher, is also a graduate student), course as a base class, the derived theory (can contain in-class experiment), practice and graduation practice class design three kinds of courses,
3) students can register, where class, the teacher can choose classes - a course only a teacher, curriculum can set properties, 4) teacher output information, schedule, can open courses for the students to play, can output the course transcripts,
5) students can output the personal information, can check grades, gpa, schedule information, such as
6) allow class object public course name, teacher, class time, site, credits and other interface, but does not allow course class object directly use a member function to obtain the student list, the information such as grades,
Five, the experiment steps
1. Create a project, write good start files and the main function, the tests pass,
2. Add CPerson as a student, the teacher's base class, derived class teachers, students, undergraduates, graduate students; Write a CCourse as base class, the derived theory, graduation design class, practice class, such as curriculum, according to the design of considering whether to write their own time, to complete the experiment requirements, increase the corresponding member variable and member function, you need to consider each member as a variable, a pointer or reference type,
3. Define multiple teacher objects directly in the main function, course object, student object.
4. Complete the following: teacher, student course selection, the teacher to check their schedule, students check their schedule, the teacher gave the class, students view the scores, grade point and so on,
5. In the main function call a class member function to finish the experiment requirement, the content of the
Note: A) according to one by one to add the member variable and function member function; B) need to input information, not from the command line input, direct written arguments, six, experimental design and write in order to complete the experiment requirements, considering, tried to use the c + +, which features the effect how, seven, keep the format in the IDE program listing//code, the size of 10,
Such as:
//Person. H (asked to write the file name)
# pragma once
The class Person
The Person (string name, int the age);
Virtual ~ Person (); Private:
String name;
int age; };
Experiment one as shown in figure!!
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Look it is quite complicatedCodePudding user response: