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VSCODE run problem: run can run for the first time, the second error.


In VSCODE running code, the first run can be output correctly, the second run despite the results, but there will be an error,

CodePudding user response:

Your code? How can map content positioning problem?

CodePudding user response:

An array, the subscript to 1

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//# define LEN1 sizeof (struct veg1) to LEN represents the struct student types of data length

Typedef struct information1//vegetables basic information
Int num1.//order number
Int num2;//classification code
Char nutrition [100].//nutrition
char name[20];//vegetable name
} information1;

Typedef struct information2//vegetable information
int num;//classification number
Int area;//vegetable growing area of
Int weight;//vegetables gain weight
Int year;//harvest year
char name[20];//vegetable name
} information2;

Typedef struct veg1/kind/subordinate categories of vegetables type
Int flag;//used to mark the unit has a visit
Struct information1 info;//structure of vegetable data domain
Struct veg1 * next;
} veg1;

Typedef struct veg2//used for vegetable planting information table structure
Struct information2 plant_info;//structure of vegetable data domain
Struct veg2 * next;
} veg2;

Typedef struct kind
int num;
Char kind_name [20].//type name
Struct kind * right;//equal categories
Struct veg1 * down;//subordinate subclass
} kind;

Kind * creat_trunk ();//create categories of main chain
Veg1 * sorting_line (FILE *);//add a sort main chain, used for basic information in the table, sorting and vegetable import categories of main chain
Void insert_veg (kind *, FILE *);//to the main chain add vegetables
Void the save (veg1 *, FILE *);
Char * split (char *, char *);

//main chain add
Kind * creat_trunk ()
int i;
Struct kind * head;
P1, struct kind * * (p2);
Head=(struct kind *) malloc (sizeof (kind));//header blank nodes, can not the assignment, or assign a use less than the value of the
The p2=head;
For (I=1; I & lt; 6; I++)
P1=(struct kind *) malloc (sizeof (kind));
P1 - & gt; Num=I;
P1 - & gt; Right=NULL;
P1 - & gt; The down=NULL;
If (I==1)
Strcpy (p1 - & gt; Kind_name, "root");
Else if (I==2)
Strcpy (p1 - & gt; Kind_name, "the fruit vegetable");
Else if (I==3)
Strcpy (p1 - & gt; Kind_name, "melon");
Else if (I==4)
Strcpy (p1 - & gt; Kind_name, "leaf vegetables");
Else if (I==5)
Strcpy (p1 - & gt; Kind_name, "bugs");
The p2 - & gt; Right=p;
P1 p2=;
The p2 - & gt; Right=NULL;
Return (the head);//return the head pointer

//plant insert
Void insert_veg (fp) kind * head, the FILE *//creat function: the return value is a pointer to the structure of the student body
Kind * p;
int i;
Char buffer [40].
Token, char * * STR;//STR entire rows of data from the buffer, token used to store information;
Char delim [2]=", ";
P1 veg1 * and * p2 [6];//p1 to create a new node, the p2 is used to record every kinds of traversal to the current node;
P=the head - & gt; Right;
For (I=1; I & lt; 6; I++)
The p2 [I]=(struct veg1 *) malloc (LEN1);//each column has a header blank nodes;
The p2 [I] - & gt; Next=NULL;
P - & gt; The down=p2 [I];
P=p - & gt; Right;
The fseek (fp, 69 l, SEEK_CUR);//from the second line of the form read
While ((STR=the fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fp))!=NULL)
P=the head - & gt; Right;
Token=split (STR, delim); First, don't take//
For (I=1; I & lt; 6; I++)
Token=split (NULL, delim);
If (token [0]!='\ 0')
P1=(struct veg1 *) malloc (LEN1);
Strcpy (p1 - & gt; Info. Name, token);
P1 - & gt; Flag=0;
P1 - & gt; Next=NULL;
The p2 [I] - & gt; Next=p;
The p2 [I]=p;
P=p - & gt; Right;

//string segmentation function similar to strtok, pay attention to when we have n separator is n + 1 data, this function will be able to have the n + 2 output, the final output is NULL
Char * split (char * strToken, char * strDelimit)
Char * p;
Char * pd;
The static char * ps;
If (strToken!=NULL)
While ((* ps!='\ 0') & amp; & (* ps! ))='\ n'
* ps='X';//X as the identifier, help the circulation end
* ps='\ 0';
While (* ps!='\ 0')
While ((* pd!='\ 0') & amp; & (* pd!=* ps))
If pd==(* * ps)
* ps='\ 0';
return p;
The else
If (* (ps - 1)=='X')
* (ps - 1)='\ 0';
return p;
return NULL;

//add a sort main chain, used for basic information in the table, sorting and vegetable import categories of main chain
Veg1 * sorting_line (fp) FILE *
Cur veg1 * head, *, * p;
Char buffer [500].
Token, char * * STR;//STR entire rows of data from the buffer, token used to store information;
Char delim [2]=", ";
The head=(struct veg1 *) malloc (LEN1);//header blank nodes;
Fseek (fp, 35 l, SEEK_CUR);//from the second line of the form read
While ((STR=the fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fp))!=NULL)
P=(struct veg1 *) malloc (LEN1);
Token=split (STR, delim);//import total sorts,
P - & gt; Info. Num1=atoi (token);
Printf (" % d ", p - & gt; Info. Num1);
Token=split (NULL, delim);//import vegetables name
Strcpy (p - & gt; Info. Name, token);
Printf (" % s ", p - & gt; Info. Name);
Token=split (NULL, delim);//import vegetables category codes
P - & gt; Info. Num2=atoi (token);//string integer function atoi
Printf (" % d \ n ", p - & gt; Info. Num2);
Token=split (NULL, delim);//import nutrients
Strcpy (p - & gt; Info. Nutrition, token);
Cur - & gt; Next=p;
P - & gt; Next=NULL;
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