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Lexbor: webscraping an HTML table in C



To find and print one value between <td> tags from a HTML table using lexbor. The details and source code of Lexbor can be found here.

Further details:

There are many <td> tags, and each one is represented by a unique header. A simple example can be seen below, where only the first column value of 0.7 is of interest (i.e. the tag with header="choose-this-header").

    <td header="choose-this-header">0.7</td>
    <td header="ignore-this-header">1.3</td>
    <td header="ignore-this-header">5.4</td>

Therefore, it seems that the best approach to find this value is to:

  1. Search through the HTML for the element where header="chosen-header"
  2. Isolate this line of HTML, and extract the value between the <td>...</td> tags


Based on this lexbor example, step_one.c seen below successfully detects the line of HTML containing the required header, but it is printed to the terminal as <td header="choose-this-header"> without the text value or closing </td> tag. If there is a way to save the entire line (i.e. <td header="choose-this-header">0.7</td>) into a buffer, the programstep_two.c based on this example further below could be used to extract the text value of 0.7.


#include "base.h"

#include <lexbor/dom/dom.h>

static void
print_collection_elements(lxb_dom_collection_t *collection)
    lxb_dom_element_t *element;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < lxb_dom_collection_length(collection); i  ) {
        element = lxb_dom_collection_element(collection, i);



main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    lxb_status_t status;
    lxb_dom_element_t *body;
    lxb_html_document_t *document;
    lxb_dom_collection_t *collection;

    const lxb_char_t html[] = "<table>"
            "<td header=\"choose-this-header\">0.7</td>"
            "<td header=\"ignore-this-header\">1.3</td>"
            "<td header=\"ignore-this-header\">5.4</td>"

    size_t html_szie = sizeof(html) - 1;

    PRINT("%s", (const char *) html);

    document = parse(html, html_szie);

    body = lxb_dom_interface_element(document->body);

    collection = lxb_dom_collection_make(&document->dom_document, 128);
    if (collection == NULL) {
        FAILED("Failed to create Collection object");

    /* Full match */
    status = lxb_dom_elements_by_attr(body, collection,
                                      (const lxb_char_t *) "header", 6,
                                      (const lxb_char_t *) "choose-this-header", 18,
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        FAILED("Failed to get elements by name");

    PRINT("\nFull match by 'choose-this-header':");

    lxb_dom_collection_destroy(collection, true);

    return 0;

step_one.c output:

<table><tbody><tr><td header="choose-this-header">0.7</td><td header="ignore-this-header">1.3</td><td header="ignore-this-header">5.4</td></tr></tbody></table>

Full match by 'choose-this-header':
<td header="choose-this-header"> // no text value or closing tag is printed


#include "lexbor/html/tokenizer.h"

#define FAILED(...)                                                            \
    do {                                                                       \
        fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);                                          \
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");                                                 \
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                                    \
    }                                                                          \
    while (0)

static lxb_html_token_t *
token_callback(lxb_html_tokenizer_t *tkz, lxb_html_token_t *token, void *ctx)
    /* Skip all not #text tokens */
    if (token->tag_id != LXB_TAG__TEXT) {
        return token;

    printf("%.*s", (int) (token->text_end - token->text_start),

    return token;

main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    lxb_status_t status;
    lxb_html_tokenizer_t *tkz;

    const lxb_char_t data[] = "<td headers=\"choose-this-header\">0.7</td>";

    printf("HTML:\n%s\n\n", (char *) data);

    tkz = lxb_html_tokenizer_create();
    status = lxb_html_tokenizer_init(tkz);
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        FAILED("Failed to create tokenizer object");

    /* Set callback for token */
    lxb_html_tokenizer_callback_token_done_set(tkz, token_callback, NULL);

    status = lxb_html_tokenizer_begin(tkz);
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        FAILED("Failed to prepare tokenizer object for parsing");

    status = lxb_html_tokenizer_chunk(tkz, data, (sizeof(data) - 1));
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        FAILED("Failed to parse the html data");

    status = lxb_html_tokenizer_end(tkz);
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        FAILED("Failed to ending of parsing the html data");



    return 0;

step_two.c output:

<td headers="choose-this-header">0.7</td>


Additional details:

  1. Preferable to stay using lexbor because it is fast
  2. Using Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
  3. Compile with gcc myprogram.c -llexbor -o myprogram
  4. Installation instructions for various OS found here

Summary question:

Q1. How can the program step_one.c be modified to save the ENTIRE line into a buffer? Once this has been achieved, it will be relatively simple to combine the two programs into one where the variable data[] in step_two.c will be the entire line found using the logic seen in step_one.c.

CodePudding user response:

Here's an example:

#include <lexbor/html/html.h>
#include <lexbor/css/css.h>
#include <lexbor/selectors/selectors.h>

callback(const lxb_char_t *data, size_t len, void *ctx)
    printf("%.*s", (int) len, (const char *) data);

    return LXB_STATUS_OK;

find_callback(lxb_dom_node_t *node, lxb_css_selector_specificity_t *spec,
              void *ctx)

    /* Print only <td> tag. */
    (void) lxb_html_serialize_cb(node, callback, NULL);

    printf("\n\nTag with children:\n");

    /* Print <td> element and all children in <td>. */
    (void) lxb_html_serialize_tree_cb(node, callback, NULL);


    /* Print children in <td>. */
    (void) lxb_html_serialize_deep_cb(node, callback, NULL);

    /* Use lxb_html_serialize_*_str(...) for buffer. */

    return LXB_STATUS_OK;

int main(void) {
    lxb_status_t status;
    lxb_dom_node_t *body;
    lxb_html_document_t *document;
    lxb_css_parser_t *parser;
    lxb_selectors_t *selectors;
    lxb_css_selector_list_t *list;

    const lxb_char_t html[] = "<table>"
            "<td header=\"choose-this-header\">0.7</td>"
            "<td header=\"ignore-this-header\">1.3</td>"
            "<td header=\"ignore-this-header\">5.4</td>"

    static const lxb_char_t slctrs[] = "td[header='choose-this-header']";

    document = lxb_html_document_create();
    if (document == NULL) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    status = lxb_html_document_parse(document, html, sizeof(html) - 1);
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Create CSS parser. */

    parser = lxb_css_parser_create();
    status = lxb_css_parser_init(parser, NULL, NULL);
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Selectors. */

    selectors = lxb_selectors_create();
    status = lxb_selectors_init(selectors);
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    list = lxb_css_selectors_parse(parser, slctrs, sizeof(slctrs) - 1);
    if (parser->status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Find DOM/HTML nodes by selectors. */

    body = lxb_dom_interface_node(lxb_html_document_body_element(document));
    if (body == NULL) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

//    lxb_html_serialize_deep_cb(body, callback, NULL);

    status = lxb_selectors_find(selectors, body, list, find_callback, NULL);
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;


    /* Destroy Selectors object. */
    (void) lxb_selectors_destroy(selectors, true);

    /* Destroy resources for CSS Parser. */
    (void) lxb_css_parser_destroy(parser, true);

    /* Destroy all Selector List memory. */

    /* Destroy HTML Document. */

    return 0;


<td header="choose-this-header">

Tag with children:
<td header="choose-this-header">0.7</td>

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