Home > Back-end >  Copying the same directory from multiple parent directories to a multiple destinations
Copying the same directory from multiple parent directories to a multiple destinations


What I want to do is copy a directory that exists in multiple parent directories, to a destination while preserving the \Parent\child structure. The source directories are versioned software releases, and the directory that I want contains hot-fixes for each of those versions.

Source directory structure

etc etc

The last two numbers change, but the format is always #.## or #.###, with the first # incrementing from 1 to 7.

And what I'm trying to do is something like this:

copy \Release\app_26.6.[1-7].*\Patch\ to C:\Temp\eureka\app_26.6.[1-7].*\Patch\

I think that I'll have to use a for loop iteration, but my brain is hurting trying to think of a way to do this in powershell; and that's why I'm here.

This post is pretty close to what I want to do, but wrong platform: Copying multiple directories into multiple destination directories

Thank you

CodePudding user response:

I'm assuming you have multiple destinations per source patch? Try something like this where you wildcard up the version number in the name:

Foreach ($src in (Get-Item "\Releases\app_*\Patch")) {

  # Split off the last version number on the parent folder
  $baseVersion = ($src.parent.name -split '\.')[0..2] -join '.'

  # Get each destination folder using * wildcard
  $destinations = Get-Item "c:/Temp/eureka/$baseVersion*/"

  # Copy folders
  Foreach ($dst in $destinations) {
    Copy-Item $src.FullName $dst.FullName -Recurse 


This should create the following source and destination structure:

# src

# dst


If you don't want a wildcard but specifically need [1-7], you can use regex:

$destinations = Get-Item "c:/Temp/eureka/*/" |
  Where Name -match "$baseversion.[1-7]"
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