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pandas dataframe to custom nested json


I have a pandas dataframe that looks like this:

user_id     cat_id  prod_id    score    pref_prod
    29762       9   3115      1.000000   335.0
    29762       58  1335      1.000000   335.0
    234894      58  1335      1.000000   335.0
    413276      43  1388      1.000000   335.0
    413276      58  1335      1.000000   335.0
    413276      73  26        1.000000   335.0
    9280593     9   137       1.000000   335.0
    9280593     58  1335      1.000000   335.0
    9280593     74  160       1.000000   335.0
    4554542     66  1612      0.166667   197.0
    4554542     66  1406      0.166767   197.0
    4554542     66  2021      1.000000   197.0

I want to group this df by user_id & cat_id and convert it to json so that it looks something like this:

    29762: {
        'cat_id': {
            9: [{
                'prod_id': 3115,
                'score': 1.0
            58: [{
                'prod_id': 1335,
                'score': 1.0
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    234894: {
        'cat_id': {
            58: [{
                'prod_id': 1335,
                'score': 1.0
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    413276: {
        'cat_id': {
            43: [{
                'prod_id': 1388,
                'score': 1.0,
                'fav_provider': 335.0
            58: [{
                'prod_id': 1335,
                'score': 1.0,
                'fav_provider': 335.0
            73: [{
                'prod_id': 26,
                'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    4554542: {
        'cat_id': {
            66: [{
                'prod_id': 1612,
                'score': 0.166
            }, {
                'prod_id': 1406,
                'score': 0.16
            }, {
                'prod_id': 2021,
                'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 197.0

As of now I can do

gb = df.groupby(['user_id', 'cat_id']).apply(lambda g: g.drop(['user_id', 'cat_id'], axis=1).to_dict(orient='records')).to_dict()

which gives me user_id and cat_id in tuple keys:

    (29762, 9): [{
        'prod_id': 3115,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    (29762, 58): [{
        'prod_id': 1335,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    (234894, 58): [{
        'prod_id': 1335,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    (413276, 43): [{
        'prod_id': 1388,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    (413276, 58): [{
        'prod_id': 1335,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    (413276, 73): [{
        'prod_id': 26,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    (9280593, 9): [{
        'prod_id': 137,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    (9280593, 58): [{
        'prod_id': 1335,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
    (9280593, 74): [{
        'prod_id': 160,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 335.0
        66): [{
        'prod_id': 1612,
        'score': 0.16666666666666666,
        'pref_prod': 197.0
    }, {
        'prod_id': 1406,
        'score': 0.16676666666666665,
        'pref_prod': 197.0
    }, {
        'prod_id': 2021,
        'score': 1.0,
        'pref_prod': 197.0

How can I get the json in the desired format

CodePudding user response:

You could either reparse your current groupby, or try groupby with just user_id, and then write a custom function and apply it to each group. Since the user_id would be the highest index, you identify groups based on that and then create the sub dictionary.

CodePudding user response:

I can't think of any direct way to do it with pandas only. But you can construct a new dictionary with the desired format based on gb, using a defaultdict

from collections import defaultdict 
import json  # just to prettyprint the resulting dictionary 

gb = df.groupby(['user_id', 'cat_id']).apply(lambda g: g.drop(['user_id', 'cat_id'], axis=1).to_dict(orient='records')).to_dict()

d = defaultdict(lambda: {'cat_id':{}} )

for (user_id, cat_id), records in gb.items():
    for record in records:
        # drop 'pref_prod' key of each record
        # I'm assuming its unique for each (user_id, cat_id) group
        pref_prod = record.pop('pref_prod')
    d[user_id]['cat_id'][cat_id] = records
    d[user_id]['pref_prod'] = pref_prod

>>> print(json.dumps(d, indent=4))

    "29762": {
        "cat_id": {
            "9": [
                    "prod_id": 3115,
                    "score": 1.0
            "58": [
                    "prod_id": 1335,
                    "score": 1.0
        "pref_prod": 335.0
    "234894": {
        "cat_id": {
            "58": [
                    "prod_id": 1335,
                    "score": 1.0
        "pref_prod": 335.0
    "413276": {
        "cat_id": {
            "43": [
                    "prod_id": 1388,
                    "score": 1.0
            "58": [
                    "prod_id": 1335,
                    "score": 1.0
            "73": [
                    "prod_id": 26,
                    "score": 1.0
        "pref_prod": 335.0
    "4554542": {
        "cat_id": {
            "66": [
                    "prod_id": 1612,
                    "score": 0.166667
                    "prod_id": 1406,
                    "score": 0.166767
                    "prod_id": 2021,
                    "score": 1.0
        "pref_prod": 197.0
    "9280593": {
        "cat_id": {
            "9": [
                    "prod_id": 137,
                    "score": 1.0
            "58": [
                    "prod_id": 1335,
                    "score": 1.0
            "74": [
                    "prod_id": 160,
                    "score": 1.0
        "pref_prod": 335.0

CodePudding user response:

I used a namedtuple from a dataframe conversion to create the json tree. if the tree has more than one level than I would use recursion to build it. the dataframe did not contain lists of list so recursion was not required.

from io import StringIO
import io
from collections import namedtuple  

df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), sep=',')


def map_to_record(row):
    return Record(row.user_id, row.cat_id, row.prod_id,row.score,row.pref_prod)

my_list = list(map(map_to_record, df.itertuples()))

def named_tuple_to_json(named_tuple):
    convert a named tuple to a json tree structure
    for record in named_tuple:
        json_string ="{"
        json_string ="'user_id': {},'cat_id': {},'prod_id': {},'score': {},'pref_prod': {},".format(
        json_string ="},"
    json_string ="]"
    return json_string

# convert the list of named tuples to a json tree structure
json_tree = named_tuple_to_json(my_list)


records:[{'user_id': 29762,'cat_id': 9,'prod_id': 3115,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 335.0,},{'user_id': 29762,'cat_id': 58,'prod_id': 1335,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 335.0,},{'user_id': 234894,'cat_id': 58,'prod_id': 1335,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 335.0,},{'user_id': 413276,'cat_id': 43,'prod_id': 1388,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 335.0,},{'user_id': 413276,'cat_id': 58,'prod_id': 335,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 335.0,},{'user_id': 413276,'cat_id': 73,'prod_id': 26,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 335.0,},{'user_id': 9280593,'cat_id': 9,'prod_id': 137,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 335.0,},{'user_id': 9280593,'cat_id': 58,'prod_id': 1335,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 335.0,},{'user_id': 9280593,'cat_id': 74,'prod_id': 160,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 335.0,},{'user_id': 4554542,'cat_id': 66,'prod_id': 1612,'score': 0.166667,'pref_prod': 197.0,},{'user_id': 4554542,'cat_id': 66,'prod_id': 1406,'score': 0.166767,'pref_prod': 197.0,},{'user_id': 4554542,'cat_id': 66,'prod_id': 2021,'score': 1.0,'pref_prod': 197.0,},] ​

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