my objective is to filter Country options based on the LMIC column value. Where if(population$LMIC == 'YES')
I would like the Countries that have 'YES' value to be displayed in the drop down. else(population$LMIC == 'NO')
then I would like the Countries that 'NO' value to be displayed in the drop down.
Here is my xlsx file
This is currently what I have for my UI.
id = "dashboard",
inputId = "selectedCountry",
labelMandatory ("Country"),
choices = population$Country,
multiple = FALSE,
selected = "Czech Republic", #character(0),#
options = pickerOptions(
actionsBox = TRUE,
title = "Please select a country")
checkboxInput(inputId = "filterLMIC", label = strong("Filter LMIC"), value = FALSE),
This is currently what I have for my server,
if(filterLMIC == TRUE){
updatePickerInput(session, inputId='selectedCountry',
choices = population$LMIC,
choicesOpt = list(
if(population$LMIC == 'YES'){
I'm not sure where to go from here.
CodePudding user response:
Try this
if (input$filterLMIC) value <- 'YES' else value <- 'NO'
population <- population[population$LMIC == value,]
updatePickerInput(session, inputId='selectedCountry', choices = population$Country)