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How to convert laravel array to ruby hash access


I have an array that store some data like this and this is the exact input I'm using

    "accepted" => {
        "number_of_order" => {
            "condition" => "between_number", "value" => "0&5"
    }, "removed" => {

Now I'm trying to convert this array into ruby hash access like this and this is my expected output it's not what I'm getting now

--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
accepted: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
  number_of_order: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
    condition: between_number
    value: 0&5
removed: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess {}

But I'm unable to convert the array in ruby hash access. I also try YAML dump Yaml::dump($array); to convert into YAML then ruby hash access but nothing works.

Basically, I'm trying to do reverse of this question

How to get data from ruby hash access to laravel 8?

You can refer above link I convert this ruby hash into a laravel array but now I also wanted to convert this array into ruby hash.

My current code for converting an array to a ruby hash

$jsonEncoded = '{"accepted":{"number_of_order":{"consition":"between_number","value":"0&5"}}}';

$array = json_decode($jsonEncoded, true);


My current code for converting ruby hash to array

$filter_data = str_replace("!ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess", "", $filter_data);
$yamlContents = Yaml::parse($filter_data);

CodePudding user response:

To convert hash to yaml in ruby we can use yaml library

require 'yaml'

data = {
    "accepted" => {
        "number_of_order" => {
            "condition" => "between_number", "value" => "0&5"
    }, "removed" => {

puts data.to_yaml

To convert associated array to yaml in php we can use Symfony Yaml

use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;

$jsonEncoded = '{"accepted":{"number_of_order":{"consition":"between_number","value":"0&5"}}}';

$array = json_decode($jsonEncoded, true);

print Yaml::dump($array);

To load php output yaml in ruby same yaml library can be used

require 'yaml'
yaml_str = ... # output generate from Symfony Yaml::dump
yaml_hash = YAML.load(yaml_str)

To load ruby output yaml in php we can use the same Symfony Yaml

$yaml_str = ...; # output generate from ruby rhash.to_yaml
$yaml_associated_array = Yaml.parse(yaml_str);

Load ruby hash to php

$data = "
--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
accepted: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
  number_of_order: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
    condition: between_number
    value: 0&5
removed: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess {}

print $data;

$data = str_replace("---", "", preg_replace("/!ruby.*Access/", "", $data));
print $data;

$result = Yaml::parse($data);

Same can be achieved in ruby

data = %Q(
--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
accepted: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
  number_of_order: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
    condition: between_number
    value: 0&5
removed: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess {}

result = str.gsub(/!ruby.*Access/, '').gsub("--- ", "")

puts result

puts YAML.load(result)

Note: We can also use other libraries

CodePudding user response:

I just found the answer to my queustion and I'm sharing it with you all.

Laravel Code:

$jsonEncoded = '{"accepted":{"first_order_number":{"consition":"between_date","value":"2021-11-28 00:00:00&2021-11-22 00:00:00"}},"removed":{}}';
$process = new Process(['ruby', 'convert_hashActiveSupport.rb'],null,null, $jsonEncoded);

// executes after the command finishes
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
   throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
$data = $process->getOutput();

Ruby Code:

require 'yaml'
require 'json'
require "active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access"

yaml_str = "#{ ARGF.read }"

parsed_output = JSON.parse(yaml_str)
yaml_output   = parsed_output.with_indifferent_access.to_yaml
puts yaml_output

Package required in laravel:

composer require symfony/process

Packages required in ruby:

gem install activesupport
gem install 'yaml'

And here I'm getting my expected output:

--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
accepted: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
  first_order_date: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
    consition: between_date
    value: 2021-11-28 00:00:00&2021-11-22 00:00:00
removed: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess {}
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