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Barplot: change x-axis text format


I would like to change the x-axis text format into something like this:

enter image description here

I would like to avoid ggplot and do it with basic 'barplot'

Any suggestion?

Here is my code

df <- data.frame(DK= c("08-01","08-11","08-21","09-01","09-11","09-21","10-01","10-11","10-21","11-01","11-11","11-21","12-01","12-11","12-21","01-01","01-11","01-21","02-01","02-11","02-21","03-01","03-11","03-21","04-01","04-11","04-21","05-01","05-11","05-21","06-01","06-11","06-21","07-01","07-11","07-21"), 

toplot <- df
options(repr.plot.width=6, repr.plot.height=4) 
minv <- min(toplot[,2])-10
maxv <- max(toplot[,2]) 10
label <- paste(rep(month.abb[seq(1,12,1)], each = length(c('d1','d2','d3'))), c('d1','d2','d3'))
a <-barplot(toplot$value, 
            xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", 
axis(1, cex.axis=0.55, las=2, at=a, labels=label) 
axis(2, las='2', cex.axis=0.6)

CodePudding user response:

This gets you fairly close. You need to draw an extra axis for the month labels, and one with no labels but long tick marks to act as the dividers:

toplot <- df
options(repr.plot.width=6, repr.plot.height=4) 
minv <- min(toplot[,2])-10
maxv <- max(toplot[,2]) 10
label <- rep(1:3, 12)
a <- barplot(toplot$value, 
             names = label, 
             col = 'deepskyblue3', 
             xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", 
             ylim = c(0,maxv),
             cex.lab = 0.75

axis(1, cex.axis=0.55, las = 0, at = a, labels = label, tcl = 0,
     padj = -3) 
axis(2, las = 2, cex.axis = 0.6)

axis(1, cex.axis = 1, at = seq(1.8, 41.8, length.out = 12), 
     labels = month.abb, padj = 1, tick = FALSE)
axis(1, at = seq(0, 43.5, length.out = 13), label = FALSE, tcl = -3)

enter image description here

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