Byte [] value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/body.getBytes (" utf-8 ");
Jhsmd4u String secretKey="1";
Byte [] secretKeys=secretKey. GetBytes (" utf-8 ");
String responValue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/HqcBase64.encode (new String (encrypts (value, secretKeys), "utf-8"));
ResponValue has a value of 7 qbrwvcwxa3ajgxtpml1yikiguhxvzrbhqeiizzip2btyevev7mwpaewjoulp4sar3y1thz xJvL7r9WR3qfRnRGTG0CYqre9AEagMK6XVbqeopGOcSKCj//GKjftJvBE6D1nd0JwhJQ=, the values in the library is behind the cdata value
Of the values in the values and the library, unable to decrypt, a great god help
CodePudding user response:
HqcBase64 is what east east?
May be: new String (HqcBase64. Encode (encrypts (value, secretKeys), "utf-8"));
Encrypts the result is a binary, base64encode binary encoded as a string, base64, the result of a single character is 64 English + digital characters, utf-8 unnecessary, ASCII is enough
CodePudding user response:
String responValue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/HqcBase64.encode (encrypts (value, secretKeys), "utf-8"));
Encrypts should output is binary, base64 followed by a string