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For help, why write files when the first line is always one more limits


For help, why write files when the first row is always more than one line limits

Private int createFile () {

SimpleDateFormat querydate=new SimpleDateFormat (" yyyy - MM - dd ");

Calendar startDT=Calendar. GetInstance ();
StartDT. Add (Calendar DATE, 2);
String yesterday=querydate. The format (startDT getTime ());
CheckFileLine checkdata=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new CheckFileLine ();
Try {//database connection exception directly capture and release memory connection
The Connection cn=JDBCUtil. GetConnection ();

String SQL="select b.u serType, b.u serID, biggest ostType, s.T XNAMT, b.h eater_amt, to_char (b. inish_time, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as ftime, supachai panitchpakdi aymentFlowNo" +
"From billinfo b, RECON_INFO s where s.R ECON_DATE='" + +" yesterday "and supachai panitchpakdi ROJECT_ID=' 213159721 'and s.B ILL_ID_THIRDSYS=b.B ILLID_THIRDSYS and s.R ECON_STATUS=' 02 'and s.S PLIT_STATUS=' 02 'and s.I S_PAYBACK=' 00 '";
Logger. The info (SQL);
PreparedStatement ps=cn. PrepareStatement (SQL);
The ResultSet rs=ps. ExecuteQuery ();
SimpleDateFormat namedate=new SimpleDateFormat (" yyyyMMddHH ");
Filename=namedate. The format (new Date ()) + ". TXT ".
FileUtil. FileLinesWrite (sc) getRealPath ("/") + "checkfile/" + filename," ");
int count=0;
While (rs), next ()) {
Checkdata. SetUserType (rs. Get string (" userType "));
Checkdata. SetUserID (rs. Get string (" userID "));
CostType checkdata. SetCostType (rs. Get string (" "));
//checkdata. SetCostPeroid (rs. Get string (" bill_date "));//is empty
Checkdata. SetPayAmount1 (rs. GetDouble (" TXNAMT "));
Checkdata. SetPayAmount2 (rs. GetDouble (" heater_amt "));
Ftime checkdata. SetPayDate (rs. Get string (" "));
PaymentFlowNo checkdata. SetSerialID (rs. Get string (" "). The substring (3, 23));
String aline=new String (checkdata. Pack (" GBK "), "GBK");
//String aline=new String (checkdata. Pack (ParamConfig. UTF_8), ParamConfig, UTF_8);

FileUtil. FileLinesWrite (sc) getRealPath ("/") + "checkfile/" + filename, aline);
SimpleDateFormat date2=new SimpleDateFormat (" yyyyMMdd ");
String datestr=date2. The format (startDT getTime ());
StartTime=datestr + "000000";
The endTime datestr +="235959";
return count;
} the catch (Exception e) {
return 0;

Public static String fileLinesWrite (String filePath, String content) {

String filedo="write";
FileWriter fw=null;

Try {
The File File=new File (filePath);
//if the folder does not exist, it is to create the folder
if (! File. GetParentFile (). The exists ()) {
if(! File. The exists ()) {//if the file does not exist, then create a file, write the first line content
Fw=new FileWriter (file);
} else {//if the file exists, then the additional content
Fw=new FileWriter (file, true);
} the catch (IOException e) {

PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter (fw);
Pw. Println (content);
Pw. Flush ();

Try {
Fw. Flush ();
Pw. The close ();
Fw. Close ();
} the catch (IOException e) {

Return filedo;

CodePudding user response:

This is from the database file to write? What you decide to write the contents does it include a line break
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