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Springboot project into the Tomcat run log4j is set to print an article every day. But the fact is t


Springboot project into the Tomcat run log4j is set to print an article every day, but the fact is that only print a log, run the jar you can print a every day
So don't know where is the Tomcat configuration has a problem, forget the great spirit show
<? The XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Type="org. Apache. Catalina. UserDatabase"
Description="User database that can be updated and saved"
The factory="org. Apache. Catalina. Users. MemoryUserDatabaseFactory"
The pathname="conf/tomcat - users. XML"/& gt;

Protocol="org. Apache. Coyote. Http11. Http11NioProtocol"
The redirectPort="8443"
The maxThreads="100"
Compression will="on"
NoCompressionUserAgents="gozilla, traviata"
CompressibleMimeType="text/HTML, text/XML, text/plain, text/CSS, text/javascript, application/javascript"/& gt;

ResourceName="UserDatabase"/& gt;

UnpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" & gt;

The prefix="localhost_access_log suffix"=". TXT "
The pattern="% h % l % u % t & amp; quot; % r& quot; B % s % "/& gt;

The above is the Tomcat server. The XML configuration,

Log4j rootLogger=debug, stdout, file, the info

# # # the log information output to the console # # #
Log4j. Appender. Stdout=org. Apache. Log4j. ConsoleAppender
. # log4j appenders. Stdout. Target=System. Err
Log4j. Appender. Stdout. Layout=org.. Apache log4j. SimpleLayout
. Log4j appenders. Stdout. Threshold=DEBUG

# # the log information output to a file: the log # # #
Log4j. Appender. The file=org. Apache. Log4j. DailyRollingFileAppender
. Log4j appenders. File. The file=F:/log/log
. Log4j appenders. File. Threshold=INFO
. Log4j appenders. File. Append=true
. Log4j appenders. File. DatePattern='_' yyyy - MM - dd '. TXT '
Log4j. Appender. File. Layout=org.. Apache log4j. PatternLayout
Log4j. Appender. File. Layout. ConversionPattern=% d {MM - dd yyyy - HH: MM: ss} % F % p % m % n

# # # part shows the SQL statement
Log4j. Logger. Java, SQL Connection=DEBUG
Log4j. Logger. Java, SQL Statement=DEBUG
Log4j. Logger. Java, SQL PreparedStatement=DEBUG
Log4j. Logger. Java, SQL ResultSet=DEBUG

The above is log4j configuration
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