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Get Content of a Confluence page with Apps Script and parse its content


I found a similar enter image description here

Here the following question in regard to this problem:

  1. Is this the best approach to get Confluence page content in order to parse it?, for example using the option: expand=body.storage or on contrary there are better ways to get the content of Confluence page (or specific table), so it is easier to parse.
  2. If the content obtained is the best way to do it, then is there any HTML table javascript library or tool or script to parse the table content?

CodePudding user response:

I believe your goal is as follows.

  • You want to parse the HTML from the sample value (it generates the content, but it is difficult to parse:) in your question and put them to the sheet.
    • You have already been able to retrieve the value from the API you want to use.

In this case, how about the following sample script? In this case, I would like to propose using Sheets API. The pasteData of Sheets API can parse the HTML table.

Sample script:

Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Google Spreadsheet. And, this script uses Sheets API. So enter image description here


  • This sample script uses your sample value. So when the structure of the value is changed, this script might not be able to be used. So please be careful this.
  • I can confirm that this script works fine when I use your sample value. So when you tested this script for your actual value, when an error occurs, please check the retrieved value again.


CodePudding user response:

Here a possible solution using regular expressions to extract the information from createResponse.getContentText(). It is less generic than the solution @Tanaike provided, but it doesn't require to generate an auxiliar tab (sheet) on active Spreadsheet that needs to be removed after getting all the records:

@param id {String} Confluence ID page 
function getOnboardRecords(id) {
  const URL = https://<COMPANY>.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/%s?expand=body.storage;
  const TOKEN = "Provide the token";
  const USER = "Provide user name, i.e an email";
  // Relevant columns to get the information
  const ROW_NAMES = ["First Name", "Last Name", "Phone Number", 
    "E-Mail", "Role", "Start Date", "End Date", "Vendor's Name",
    "Team", "New Resource ID","New Resource Company E-mail"];

  function parsePhone(s) {
    let ss = s.replace(/[ \(\)\- ]/g, "");
    return (ss.length == 10) ? "1"   ss : ss; // Adding US code

  function parseDate(d) {
    d = d.replaceAll('\\\"', "");
    let dateRegEx = new RegExp('<time datetime=([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}) ?/>');
    return d.match(dateRegEx)[1];

  function parseEmail(e) {
    let emailRegEx1 = new RegExp("<a href=. ><u>(.*?)</u></a>"); // underline
    let emailRegEx2 = new RegExp("<a href=. >(.*?)</a>"); // with mailto
    let validEmailRegEx = new RegExp("^\\w ([- .']\\w )*@\\w ([-.]\\w )*\.\\w ([-.]\\w )*");
    const NON_VALID_EMAIL = "The input argument: '%s' is not a valid email";
    let result = e.match(emailRegEx1);
    result = (result != null) ? result[1] : e.match(emailRegEx2)[1];
    if(!validEmailRegEx.test(result)) throw new Error(Utilities.formatString(NON_VALID_EMAIL, result));
    return result;

  let headers = { "Authorization": "Basic "   Utilities.base64Encode(USER   ':'   TOKEN) };
  let params = {
    "method": "GET",
    "headers": headers,
    "muteHttpExceptions": false,
    "contentType": "application/json"

  let url = Utilities.formatString(URL, id);
  let createResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
  let content = createResponse.getContentText();
  let tableRegEx = new RegExp("<table.*?>(.*?)</table>");
  let tableHtml = content.match(tableRegEx)[0];
  let rowRegEx = new RegExp("<tr.*?>(.*?)</tr>", "g");
  let rowsResult = tableHtml.match(rowRegEx);
  let colRegExp = new RegExp("<td.*?>(.*?)</td>", "g");
  let values = new Map();
  rowsResult.forEach(function (item) { // parsing each column of given row
    item = item.replace(/<p>|<\/p>|<p ?\/>/g, "").replace(/&nbsp;/g, " ");
    let row = [];
    [...item.matchAll(colRegExp)].forEach(item => row.push(item[1])); // Getting the group (.*?)
    row = row.filter(function (item) { return item != ""; }); // Keep non empty string only
    let key = ROW_NAMES.find(it => it == row[0]);
    if (key) {
      if (row.length > 1) {
        let records = row.slice(1);
        if (key == ROW_NAMES[2]) { // phone number
          records.forEach(function (item, index) {
            this[index] = parsePhone(item);
          }, records);
        if ((key == ROW_NAMES[5]) || (key == ROW_NAMES[6])) {
          records.forEach(function (item, index) {
            this[index] = parseDate(item);
          }, records);
        if ((key == ROW_NAMES[3]) || (key == ROW_NAMES[10])) {
          records.forEach(function (item, index) {
            this[index] = parseEmail(item);
          }, records);
        values.set(key, records);

  return values;

I am parsing specific values for each row, because of the format Confluence has on my specific onboard Confluence Template.

Invoking the function with specific Confluence ID:

let onboardValues = getOnboardRecords(<ID>);

will produce the following output for an onboarding template with two resources:

[["First Name",["FirstName1","FirstName2"]],["Last Name",
["LastName1","LastName2"]],["Phone Number",["xxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxx"]],
["E-Mail",["[email protected]","[email protected]"]],["Role",
["Delivery Manager","Sr. Developer"]],["Start Date",
["2021-11-01","2021-11-01"]],["End Date",["2021-11-30","2021-12-31"]],
["Vendor's Name",["xxxx","xxxxx"]],["Team",["xxxxxx]],
["New Resource ID",["xxxxxx","xxxxxx"]],
["New Resource Company E-mail",["xxxx@xxxxxx.xxx","xxxxxx@xxxx.xxx"]]]
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