Home > Back-end > Delphi call C dynamic library, the incoming record pointer type, outgoing, too, but in return lead t
Delphi call C dynamic library, the incoming record pointer type, outgoing, too, but in return lead t
Delphi call C dynamic library, the incoming record pointer type, outgoing, too, but in return parameter analytic result in my application crash
AIn=^ AIn. Ain=record
Bout=^ Bout. Bout=record
- the method of dynamic link library Type Utrans=procedure (com: integer; Ain: pointer; Bout: pointer); Stdcall;
I now also initialize a pointer, use GetMem FillChar, finally release FreeMem But still won't do, the feeling of C dynamic libraries take my incoming pointer does other, lead to my application, I don't know what I said right, anyone know