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Delphi how to read the status of the printer


Using Delphi how to read the status of the printer, such as lack of paper, ink, busy, and so on, the Internet to find a lot of code, all can't use,

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor gyk120 response:

The method here only useful to WIN95, seemingly useless.

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor mayyang610 response:
Quote: refer to 1st floor gyk120 response:


The method here only useful to WIN95, seemingly useless.

Impression of Delphi encapsulates a TPrinter classes, there should be the relevant code
Another option is to make a phone call to ask the printer manufacturer technical after-sales, did not ask them to provide the interface

CodePudding user response:

Should ok, tptinter class is similar to the offline, suspend print, these

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor uhjiok123 response:
should be able to, tptinter class is similar to the offline, suspend print, these

The constructor Create;
The destructor Destroy; Override.
Procedure Abort.
Procedure BeginDoc;
Procedure EndDoc;
Procedure brought;
Procedure GetPrinter (ADevice, ADriver, APort: PChar; Var ADeviceMode: THandle);
Procedure SetPrinter (ADevice, ADriver, APort: PChar; ADeviceMode: THandle);
Procedure Refresh;
The property Aborted: Boolean read FAborted;
The property Canvas: TCanvas read GetCanvas;
Property "Capabilities: TPrinterCapabilities read FCapabilities;
The property Copies: Integer read GetNumCopies write SetNumCopies;
The property Fonts: TStrings read GetFonts;
The property Handle: HDC read GetHandle;
The property Orientation: TPrinterOrientation read GetOrientation write SetOrientation;
The property PageHeight: Integer read GetPageHeight;
The property PageWidth: Integer read GetPageWidth;
The property PageNumber: Integer read FPageNumber;
The property PrinterIndex: Integer read GetPrinterIndex write SetPrinterIndex;
The property of Printing: Boolean read FPrinting;
The property Printers: TStrings read GetPrinters;
The property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle;
These are the attributes and methods, TPrinter not found about state,
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