see if the word can be read backwards and is also a word in the file. If the word is, save the word in the list. After you go through each of the words, sort the list, print out/write the word paired with its read-backwards word to a new file.
the format that should be the final outcome
this is my code so far and i was wondering if anyone could help me?
f = open('C:\\Users\\Owner\\OneDrive\\Documents\\RandomWords.txt')
words = f.readlines() #creats list and gets rid of whitespace
for i in range(len(words)):
words[i] = words[i].strip()
f2 = open('C:\\Users\\Owner\\OneDrive\\Documents\\finaloutput.txt', 'w')
for j in words:
temp = j.lower()[::-1] #reads backwards
if j.capitalize() in words:
f2.write('{}--{}\n'.format(words[i], temp))
ok so this is my updated code and I need help sorting it and getting rid of repeated words in the new written file named Target.txt.
f = open('C:\\Users\\Owner\\OneDrive\\Documents\\RandomWords.txt')
words = f.readlines() #creats list and gets rid of whitespace
list1 = []
for i in range(len(words)):
words[i] = words[i].strip()
f2 = open('C:\\Users\\Owner\\OneDrive\\Documents\\Target.txt', 'w')
for j in words:
temp = j.lower()[::-1] #reads backwards
if temp.capitalize() in list1:
f2.write('{}--{}\n'.format(j, temp.capitalize()))
CodePudding user response:
Your code was right you were just using the wrong variable when putting it back in the final words.
f = open('C:\\Users\\Owner\\OneDrive\\Documents\\RandomWords.txt')
words = f.readlines() #creats list and gets rid of whitespace
for i in range(len(words)):
words[i] = words[i].strip()
f2 = open('C:\\Users\\Owner\\OneDrive\\Documents\\finaloutput.txt', 'w')
for j in words:
temp = j.lower()[::-1] #reads backwards
if temp.capitalize() in words:
f2.write('{}--{}\n'.format(j, temp))
you also used j instead of temp in your if statement.
because you used words[i]
when writing it to the file it would only write the last item in the random words file. and because you used the j
variable instead of temp
it wasn't flipped and therefore didn't work.