NOTICE - this is not about making a csv file from a single csv file or excel files, but for a single python module application.
I am working on an assignment making a csv file from an Tic-Tac-Toe game, so I made some original Python module and main code that runs with the result's sub-data saved temporarily when I run the main code. (A-Module, B- Main code). Each information is temporarily stored in like '' under the structure self. The original python module and main code cannot be modified.
class TTT_Env():
def __init__(self):
self.state = [['_', '_', '_'], ['_', '_', '_'], ['_', '_', '_']]
self.done = False
self.turn = 'X'
self.winner = None
def print_state(self):
for row in self.state:
def step(self, r, c):
if r not in [0, 1, 2] or c not in [0, 1, 2]:
print('Enter the number 0~2')
elif self.state[r][c] != '_':
print('Put your mark on the blank position!')
self.state[r][c] = self.turn
tmp = self.state[0] self.state[1] self.state[2]
if tmp.count('_') == 0:
self.done = True
self.turn = 'O' if self.turn == 'X' else 'X'
def reset(self):
self.state = [['_', '_', '_'], ['_', '_', '_'], ['_', '_', '_']]
self.done = False
self.turn = 'X'
self.winner = None
def _winner_check(self):
for row in self.state:
if ''.join(row) == self.turn * 3:
self.winner, self.done = self.turn, True
for col in zip(*self.state):
if ''.join(col) == self.turn * 3:
self.winner, self.done = self.turn, True
diag_1 = self.state[0][0] self.state[1][1] self.state[2][2]
diag_2 = self.state[0][2] self.state[1][1] self.state[2][0]
if diag_1 == self.turn * 3 or diag_2 == self.turn * 3:
self.winner, self.done = self.turn, True
B- Main Code
from TTT_env import *
from game_logger import *
env = TTT_Env()
print("Game start")
history = []
while not env.done:
action = input("Player %s, enter your index of your mark(compared by space):"%env.turn)
r, c = action.split(' ')
history.append(env.turn, int(r), int(c), env.done, env.winner)
env.step(int(r), int(c))
if env.winner == None:
print("The winner is player %s!"%env.winner)
The target is here; (1) I have to make a .csv file, which contains the temporarily stored data-set of self.(The original program is still working though)
(2) I need to make a record on the csv file when original program has ended.
The code below is one of my prototype about the target, it has lots of mistake, I know, but please teach me a lot.
CodePudding user response:
So when I got the right answer, I was astonished by knowing not to use the readlines function nor read nor readline function at all - here is the answer code
import csv
import os
import datetime
def logging(history):
if not os.path.isdir("log"):
if not os.path.exists("log/play_log.csv"):
with open("log/play_log.csv", "w") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
header = ["step", "player", "row", "column", "done", "winner"]
with open("log/play_log.csv", "a") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
for i, p_r_c_d_w in enumerate(history):
s_p_r_c_d_w = [i 1] p_r_c_d_w
First I had to do was making a path directory by checking the os.path.isdir statement. If the directory is not stated, you have to make one with the os.mkdir statement.
Then, using a sub .csv file 'play_log.csv' I had to make a delimiter and quotechar of course- make a header to compare which is the progressing dataset afterwards. I have to write it down on the .csv file too.
The last part of this code represent we should make a space for dataset of the history logs - by distributing the history's data to the p_r_c_d_w, and also compares the latest record by making the step(i) working by manually adding 1 when the code is working.
And for number 2, we should make a writerow statement.