Home > Back-end >  Write templates list class but head node cannot be accessed in the subclass
Write templates list class but head node cannot be accessed in the subclass


Why my head node in a singly linked list c + + class in (? ^? )
When I wrote the public inheritance, head node is protection type definition, but can't access in subclasses
May be a mind is a little bit chaotic didn't found the problem, can please kind people help me have a look?


using namespace std;

//node definition phi (& gt; Omega & lt; *)
The template & lt; The class type>
The class ListNode//node

ListNode ()//create empty nodes or the default constructor
{next=NULL; }
ListNode (const type & amp; Item, ListNode & lt; Type> * next1=NULL)
Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/item;//item for reference can be a return value??
Next=next1;//next initial blank
Type data.//the list after class has the direct manipulation of Pointers and data, so set to public
ListNode & lt; Type> * next;

The template & lt; The class type>
The class ablinklist//abstract class list
int length;//the list length
ListNode * the head; The definition of//head node
//int length;//the list length
//ListNode * the head;

ListNode & lt; Type> * GetHead ()//get head node pointer
{//understand, function type is node pointer type, return pointer
return head;
ListNode & lt; Type> * GetNext (ListNode & N)
Return n.n ext==head? N.n ext - & gt; Next: n.n ext.//if n nodes is returned head to head the next
/* for circular linked list? *///if n is not pointing to the first node is returned his next node address
Type the Get (int I);//remove the ith node of the element
ListNode * Find (int I);//find the ith node
ListNode * Find1 (type value);//value value to search
Bool Set (type x, int I);//to the ith element set values in the table
Void MakeEmpty ();//set to an empty table
Virtual bool Insert (type value, int I)=0.//insert element to a location
Virtual type Remove (int I)=0;//delete node
IVirtual type Remove1 (type value)=0;//delete the value of the node (have more than one? Improve the?)
/* dangdang dangdang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ all the template definition finish see his left (* ^ ^ *) */
The template & lt; The class type>
Void ablinklist : : MakeEmpty ()//clear function
int i=1;
ListNode * q=head - & gt; next;
While (i++ & lt;=length)
The head - & gt; Next=q - & gt; next;
The delete q;
Q=head - & gt; next;
The template & lt; The class type>
Bool ablinklist : : Set (type x, int I)//Set value function
ListNode * p=Find (I);
If (p==NULL | | p==head)//I in accordance the Find returns NULL or head
return false;
The else
p-> Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/x;
return true;

The template & lt; The class type>
ListNode * ablinklist : : Find1 (value) type//find value function
Int j=1;
ListNode * p=head - & gt; next;
For (j=1; J & lt;=length& & p-> The data!=value; J++)
P=p - & gt; next;
Return the p;
The template & lt; The class type>
ListNode * ablinklist : : Find (int I)//lookup function
Int j=1;
If (I & lt; 0 | | I & gt; Length)
return NULL;
Else if (I==0)
return head;
ListNode * p=head - & gt; next;
For (j=1; J & lt; I; J++)
P=p - & gt; next;
Return the p;
The template & lt; The class type>
Type ablinklist : : Get (int I)//function values
ListNode * p=Find (I);
Assert (p & amp; & P!=head);//assume that prevent run compulsory, automatically generate debugging information
If (p==NULL | | p==head)
return false;//confusion, to custom?
The else
The return p - & gt; The data;

/* write the specific definition of singly linked lists below car do cry */
The template & lt; The class type>
Class List: public ablinklist//z the inside cannot access to the head and length
//the problem * * * * * * * * * * *
The List ()//constructs an empty List
The head=new ListNode ;
The List (List & lt; Type> & L)//copy of an existing list
{the Copy (l); }
To the List ()
{MakeEmpty (); }//have borrow have also
List & Copy (the List & lt; Type> & L);//copy function reference type??????
Type the Remove (int I);//s I delete nodes
Bool Insert (type value, int I);//the new element is inserted into the node I * * * *
the establishment of the most important functionType the Remove (value) type;//delete the value of the node (have more than one? Improve the?)
The template & lt; The class type>
Type a List & lt; Type> : : Remove (type value)
ListNode * q, * p=head;
While (p - & gt; Next!=NULL& & p-> Next - & gt; The data!=value)
P=p - & gt; next;//to find the value of the previous node
If (p - & gt; Next==NULL)
return false;//what ErrData
Q=p - & gt; next;
p-> Next=q - & gt; next;//to have
The delete q;
Length -;
return value;
The template & lt; The class type>
Bool List & lt; Type> : : Insert (type value, int I)//Insert node
ListNode & lt; Type> * p=Find (I - 1);//locate
If (p==NULL)//judge
return false;
//set up the new node
ListNode & lt; Type> * newnode=new ListNode & lt; Type> (value, p - & gt; Next);
Assert (newnode);
If (newnode==NULL)
return false;//memory allocation is successful?
p-> Next=newnode;
Length + +;
return true;

The template & lt; The class type>
Type a List & lt; Type> : : Remove (int I)//delete node
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