I working on a SQL query to obtain the common terms in strings in multiple rows and merge it with '/', For example
1 A A,B A/B
2 A/B A,C A/B,C
3 A,B A,C A/B,C
I'm working on with the below query, but it didn't give me the result what I'm expecting
update table1
case when ( CHARINDEX( ROW1 ,ROW2 ) > 0 ) then
ROW1 '/' Replace(ROW2 , ROW1 , '')
CodePudding user response:
This method uses a full join of string_splits.
To find what's common or uncommon between the columns.
Then glues them together.
update t set final_result = CONCAT(ca.common, '/', ca.uncommon) from table1 t outer apply ( select string_agg(common,',') as common, string_agg(uncommon,',') as uncommon from ( select case when s1.value is null then s2.value when s2.value is null then s1.value end as uncommon , case when s1.value = s2.value then s1.value end as common from string_split(replace(col1,'/',','),',') s1 full join string_split(replace(col2,'/',','),',') s2 on s1.value = s2.value ) q ) ca;
select * from table1
id | col1 | col2 | final_result |
1 | A | A,B | A/B |
2 | A/B | A,C | A/B,C |
3 | A,B | A,C | A/B,C |
db<>fiddle here
Or add a UDF for the purpose.
create function [dbo].[CombineCommonTerms] ( @Value1 varchar(100), @Value2 varchar(100), @Delim char(1) = '/' ) returns varchar(200) as begin declare @tbl1 table (col varchar(30)); declare @tbl2 table (col varchar(30)); set @Value1 = replace(@Value1,@Delim,','); declare @Xml1 xml = cast('<d>' replace(@Value1,',','</d><d>') '</d>' as xml); set @Value2 = replace(@Value2,@Delim,','); declare @Xml2 xml = cast('<d>' replace(@Value2,',','</d><d>') '</d>' as xml); insert into @tbl1 (col) select distinct ltrim(rtrim(a.split.value('.', 'varchar(30)') )) as col from @Xml1.nodes('/d') a(split); insert into @tbl2 (col) select distinct ltrim(rtrim(a.split.value('.', 'varchar(30)'))) as col from @Xml2.nodes('/d') a(split); declare @Common varchar(100); select @Common = concat(@Common ',', t1.col) from @tbl1 t1 inner join @tbl2 t2 on t2.col = t1.col; declare @Uncommon varchar(100); select @Uncommon = concat(@Uncommon ',', coalesce(t1.col, t2.col)) from @tbl1 t1 full join @tbl2 t2 on t2.col = t1.col where (t1.col is null or t2.col is null); return concat(@Common, @Delim @Uncommon); end;
update t set final_result = [dbo].[CombineCommonTerms](col1, col2, default) from table1 t; select * from table1;
id | col1 | col2 | final_result |
1 | A | A,B | A/B |
2 | A/B | A,C | A/B,C |
3 | A,B | A,C | A/B,C |
db<>fiddle here