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OPENCV - VS2015 opened the camera a gray


 # include & lt; Opencv2/opencv. Hpp> 
Using the namespace CV;
using namespace std;

String name="I";

Int main ()
VideoCapture capture; Video//statement read in class
The capture. Open (0);//read in from the camera video 0 means from the camera to read

if (! The capture. IsOpened ())//to judge whether to open the camera
Cout & lt; <"Can not open";
return -1;

NamedWindow (name);

While (1) {
Mat cap;//define a Mat variable, used to store each frame image
The capture & gt;> Cap;//read the current frame
if (! Cap. Empty ())//whether the current frame capture success * * this is a very important step
Imshow (name, cap);//if the current frame capture success, according to
The else
Cout & lt; <"Can not";
WaitKey (30);//30 milliseconds latency

Return 0;

CodePudding user response:

# include "CV. H"
# include "highgui. H"

Int main (int arg c, char * * argv) {
CvNamedWindow (" OpenCVideoWindows ");

CvCapture * capture=cvCreateCameraCapture (0);
IplImage * frame;

While (1) {
Frame=cvQueryFrame (capture);
if(! Frame) break;
CvShowImage (" win ", frame);

Char c=cvWaitKey (50);
If (c==27) break;

CvReleaseCapture (& amp; The capture);
CvDestroyWindow (" OpenCVideoWindows ");
Return 0;

CodePudding user response:


# include "CV. H"
# include "highgui. H"

Int main (int arg c, char * * argv) {
CvNamedWindow (" OpenCVideoWindows ");

CvCapture * capture=cvCreateCameraCapture (0);
IplImage * frame;

While (1) {
Frame=cvQueryFrame (capture);
if(! Frame) break;
CvShowImage (" OpenCVideoWindows, "frame);

Char c=cvWaitKey (30);
If (c==27) break;

CvReleaseCapture (& amp; The capture);
CvDestroyWindow (" OpenCVideoWindows ");
Return 0;

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