# define clear system (" CLS ")
# define p 3800000
# define N 19
Int a, b, c, I, j, g, t;
Void gotoxy (int x, int y)/son/output positioning function
C.X=x - 1;
C.Y=y - 1;
SetConsoleCursorPosition (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), c);
Void delay (int) z//delay subroutine, the delay time of 1 ms
int m,n;
For (m=z; M> 0; M -)
For (n=110; N> 0; N -);
Void over ()//end module
Gotoxy (28, 13);
Printf (" the end of this transaction, please take card!" );
Delay (p);
Void progressbar ()//progress bar module
Gotoxy (31, 13);
Printf (" please wait ");
For (c=0; C<10; C +=2)
Gotoxy (38 + c, 13);
Printf (" * ");
Delay (380000);
Void the balance ()
Gotoxy (30, 12);
Srand (time (0));
T=rand () % 100000000;
Printf (" your balance is % d yuan!" , t);
Int homepage ()//home page
Gotoxy (30, 10);
Printf ("=========================");
Gotoxy (31, 11);
Printf (" 1 cash withdrawals 2 balance query ");
Gotoxy (31, 13);
Printf (" 3 transfer 4 exit system ");
Gotoxy (30, 14);
Printf ("=========================");
Gotoxy (30, 15);
Printf (" please enter the corresponding business options: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; J);
The switch (j)
Case 1: getmoney (); break;
Case 2:
We are inquiring the printf (" ");
Progressbar ();
Gotoxy (30, 14);
The balance ();
Gotoxy (30, 14);
}; break;
Case 3:
Gotoxy (34, 13);
Printf (" business temporarily not support!" );
Delay (p);
Progressbar ();
}; break;
Case 4:
Progressbar ();
Over ();
Progressbar ();
The main ();
}; break;
Default: homepage (); break;
Homepage ();
Int getmoney ()
Gotoxy (30, 12);
Progressbar ();
Gotoxy (30, 9);
Printf ("=====================");
Gotoxy (31, 10);
Printf (" 1 100 yuan 200 yuan ");
Gotoxy (31, 12);
Printf (" 3 300 yuan 400 yuan ");
Gotoxy (31, 14);
Printf (" 5 custom 6 return ");
Gotoxy (30, 15);
Printf ("=====================");
Gotoxy (30 dec);
Printf (" please enter the corresponding options: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; a);
Gotoxy (30, 13);
Progressbar ();
Gotoxy (21, 13);
The switch (a)
//out of his money, and don't know what to get into effect, so a word to replace!
Case 1: printf (", please check your money 100 yuan has been come out... "); break;
Case 2: printf (", please check your money 200 yuan has been come out... "); break;
Case 3: printf (", please check your money 300 yuan has been come out... "); break;
Case 4: printf (", please check your money 400 yuan has been come out... "); break;
Case 5:
Printf (" please enter the number you want to remove the: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; B);
Gotoxy (21, 13);
Progressbar ();
If (b %==0 100 & amp; & B> 99)
If (b
Gotoxy (21, 13);
Printf (" % d yuan has the bills from you, please check... ", b);
The else
Gotoxy (21, 13);
Printf (" hello, would you like to take the number of cash is too big, please go to counter!" );
The else
Gotoxy (15, 13);
Printf (" you input error, the input amount must be 100 integer times, please input again!" );
}; break;
Case 6: homepage (); break;
Gotoxy (35, 13);
Printf (" you input error!" );
}; break;
Delay (p);
Delay (p);
Getmoney ();
Getch ();
Int main ()//main program
While (1)
If (g<3)
clear;//clear screen
Gotoxy (20, 12);
Printf ("===========================================");
Gotoxy (21, 13);
Printf (" please insert your card and enter the password, after the completion of the please click confirm!" );
Gotoxy (20, 14);
Printf ("===========================================");
Gotoxy (33 (9);
Printf (" password: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; I);
Gotoxy (30, 12);
Progressbar ();
The switch (I)
Case 123456: homepage (); break;
Gotoxy (30, 13);
Printf (" wrong password, please enter again!" );
Gotoxy (30, 13);
Printf (" do you have any other % d chance!" 2 - g);
+ + g;
Delay (p);
}; break;
The else
clear;//clear screen
Gotoxy (20, 13);
Printf (" I'm sorry, you have the wrong input three times, today was suspended use!" );
Delay (p);
Delay (p);