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Rocketmq push abnormal, sometimes appear, most successful


I have not used rocketmq, principle of them don't know, want to which a great god help to see
Com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Client. Exception. MQClientException: Send [1] times, still failed, cost [3003] ms, Topic: WaybillTopicBOSServer, BrokersSent: [broker - a, null, null]
See https://github.com/alibaba/RocketMQ/issues/50 for further details.
At com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. Producer. DefaultMQProducerImpl. SendDefaultImpl (DefaultMQProducerImpl. Java: 578)
At com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. Producer. DefaultMQProducerImpl. Send (1031) DefaultMQProducerImpl. Java:
At com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. Producer. DefaultMQProducerImpl. Send (1025) DefaultMQProducerImpl. Java:
At com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Client. Producer. DefaultMQProducer. Send (95) DefaultMQProducer. Java:
The at Apollo. Waybill. Mq. Producer. WMS. WaybillCreateRocketMqProducer. SendMsg2Topic (WaybillCreateRocketMqProducer. Java: 44)
The at Apollo. Waybill. Service. The manager. MongoPdWoDoMainManager. SendCreateWaybillMsg2MQ (MongoPdWoDoMainManager. Java: 121)
The at Apollo. Waybill. Service. Service. Impl. MongoPdWoDoMainServiceImpl. SaveMongoPdWoTaskData (MongoPdWoDoMainServiceImpl. Java: 70)
The at Apollo. Waybill. Worker. Schedule. DoWbPdWoWorkerTask. ProcessWorkerTask (DoWbPdWoWorkerTask. Java: 156)
The at Apollo. Waybill. Worker. Schedule. DoWbPdWoWorkerTask. ProcessWorkerTask (39) DoWbPdWoWorkerTask. Java:
The at Apollo. Waybill. Worker. Base. AbstractBaseThreadWorkerTask. Execute (55) AbstractBaseThreadWorkerTask. Java:
At com. Taobao. Pamirs. Schedule. Taskmanager. TBScheduleProcessorSleep. Run (221) TBScheduleProcessorSleep. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Thread. The run (Thread. Java: 745)
Under Caused by: com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Remoting. Exception. RemotingTimeoutException: wait the response on the channel & lt; & gt; The timeout, 3000 (ms)
The at com.alibaba.rocketmq.remoting.netty.Net tyRemotingAbstract. InvokeSyncImpl (NettyRemotingAbstract. Java: 375)
The at com.alibaba.rocketmq.remoting.netty.Net tyRemotingClient. InvokeSync (NettyRemotingClient. Java: 622)
At com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. MQClientAPIImpl. SendMessageSync (MQClientAPIImpl. Java: 306)
At com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. MQClientAPIImpl. SendMessage (MQClientAPIImpl. Java: 289)
At com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. Producer. DefaultMQProducerImpl. SendKernelImpl (DefaultMQProducerImpl. Java: 679)
At com. Alibaba. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. Producer. DefaultMQProducerImpl. SendDefaultImpl (DefaultMQProducerImpl. Java: 500)
. 11 more

CodePudding user response:

Artificial placed at the top, such as online

CodePudding user response:

The great god solve? I have occasionally this wrong

CodePudding user response:

Check if there is insufficient space on the disk

CodePudding user response:

Under Caused by: org. Apache. Rocketmq. Client. Exception. MQClientException: Send [3] times, still failed, cost [102114] ms, Topic: smsCMPPReportTopic, BrokersSent: [broker - b, the broker - a broker - b]
See http://rocketmq.apache.org/docs/faq/for further details. I also met, most of the time to send ok, occasional time, baidu has a circle, there is no effective solution,

CodePudding user response:

Port from 10911 to 10919 were let go first, and then producer. SetVipChannelEnabled (false);

CodePudding user response:

The great god, and find a solution?

CodePudding user response:

The great god, and so am I, you solve
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