Initially, students
table looks like below.
id | invite_count
10 | 5
12 | 0
15 | 1
25 | 0
I am using the below code to update the invite count for students.
Student::whereIn("id", $this->request->studentIds)
'invite_count' => DB::raw('invite_count 1')
But according to my requirement, I can have the same id more than one time in the $this->request->studentIds
array like [10, 15, 12, 10, 25, 12].
At the movement, the output looks like below.
id | invite_count
10 | 6
12 | 1
15 | 2
25 | 1
But I want output like below.
id | invite_count
10 | 7
12 | 2
15 | 2
25 | 1
How can I archive?
CodePudding user response:
One way is using chunk query using chunkById.To work update make sure to invite_count
column fillable in model
$ids=[10, 15, 12, 10, 25, 12];
->chunkById(50, function ($students)use($groupByIds) {
$students->each(function ($student, $key)use($groupByIds) {
$student->update(['invite_count' => $student->invite_count ($groupByIds[ $student->id])]);
}, $column = 'id');
->chunkById(50, function ($students)use($groupByIds) {
$students->each(function ($student, $key)use($groupByIds) {
$student->invite_count=$student->invite_count $groupByIds[ $student->id]);
}, $column = 'id');