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Distributed null pointer exception occurred after gateway query the database projects but you can fi


@ RequestMapping ("/")
Public String showPortalPage Model (Model) {

//1. The way to call MySQLRemoteService provides query page to display the data
ResultEntity ResultEntity=mySQLRemoteService. GetPortalTypeProjectDataRemote ();//hint here data
//is empty

//2. Check the query results
The String result=resultEntity. GetResult ();
If (ResultEntity. SUCCESS. Equals (result)) {

//3. Obtain the query data
List List=resultEntity. GetData ();

//4. Deposit model
Model. The addAttribute (CrowdConstant ATTR_NAME_PORTAL_DATA, a list).

Return "portal";

Expose interfaces//
@ FeignClient (" atguigu - the crowd - mysql ")
Public interface MySQLRemoteService {

@ RequestMapping ("/get/portal/type/project/data/remote ")
Public ResultEntity GetPortalTypeProjectDataRemote ();

//database part
@ RequestMapping ("/get/portal/type/project/data/remote ")
Public ResultEntity GetPortalTypeProjectDataRemote () {
Try {
List PortalTypeVOList=projectService. GetPortalTypeVO ();
Return ResultEntity. SuccessWithData (portalTypeVOList);
} the catch (Exception e) {
Return ResultEntity. Failed (um participant etMessage ());