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beautifulsoup> how can I remove specific lines to get resultset with texts


*below is my html code and I hope I can only get the hd data inside of this table I hope I can get necessary data and I would like to remove the data including ">" line. I have no idea how to extract the html code line having "...

And hope I can a

[['1501','9,445', '50', ' 0.53%', '0', '1','1,000', '94', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A'],
['1502','18,875', '195', '-0.12%', '0', '7','500', '94', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A'], 
['1550','8,350', '95', ' 1.15%', '0', '2,601','1,000', '84', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A']]

my python code is like below:

stock_list = soup.find("table", attrs={"class": "type_2"}).find("tbody").find_all("tr")
    for stock in stock_list:
        if len(stock) > 1:

but I only get like:

[['1501','메리츠', '인버스','2X', '국채10년ETN' ,'9,445', '50', ' 0.53%', '0', '1','1,000', '94', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A'],
['1502','KB', '레버리지','구리', '선물ETN(H)' ,'18,875', '195', '-0.12%', '0', '7','500', '94', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A'], 
['1550','TRUE', '인버스','2X', 'HSCEI','ETN(H)' ,'8,350', '95', ' 1.15%', '0', '2,601','1,000', '84', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A']]

html code is like below:

<table summary="코스피 시세정보를 선택한 항목에 따라 정보를 제공합니다." cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >

            <col width="2%">
            <col width="*">
            <col width="7%">
            <col width="9%">
            <col width="7%">
            <col width="8%">

                <col width="8%">

                <col width="8%">

                <col width="8%">

                <col width="8%">

                <col width="8%">

                <col width="8%">

            <col width="6%">
                <th scope="col">N</th>
                <th scope="col">종목명</th>
                <th scope="col">현재가</th>
                <th scope="col"  style="padding-right:8px">전일비</th>
                <th scope="col">등락률</th>
                <th scope="col">액면가</th>

                <th scope="col">거래량</th>

                <th scope="col">상장주식수</th>

                <th scope="col">시가총액</th>

                <th scope="col">PER</th>

                <th scope="col">ROE</th>

                <th scope="col">PBR</th>

                <th scope="col">토론실</th>
            <tr><td colspan="10" ></td></tr>
            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
                <td >1501</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=610021" >메리츠 인버스 2X 국채10년 ETN</a></td>
                <td >9,445</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_up.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="상승"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >1</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >94</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=610021"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
                <td >1502</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=580032" >KB 레버리지 구리 선물 ETN(H)</a></td>
                <td >18,875</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >7</td>

                                <td >500</td>

                                <td >94</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=580032"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
                <td >1503</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=570064" >TRUE 인버스 베트남 VN30 선물 ETN(H)</a></td>
                <td >9,415</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >260</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >94</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=570064"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
                <td >1504</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=256450" >ARIRANG 심천차이넥스트(합성)</a></td>
                <td >15,680</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_up.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="상승"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >538</td>

                                <td >600</td>

                                <td >94</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=256450"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
                <td >1505</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=380340" >KINDEX Fn5G플러스</a></td>
                <td >9,405</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_up.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="상승"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >6,537</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >94</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=380340"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>

            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>

            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1506</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=530087" >삼성 KRX 2차전지 K-뉴딜 ETN</a></td>
                <td >9,335</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >15</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >93</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=530087"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1507</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=152500" >KINDEX 레버리지</a></td>
                <td >9,320</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >4,547</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >93</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=152500"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1508</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=407300" >HANARO Fn골프테마</a></td>
                <td >9,270</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >7,021</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >93</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=407300"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1509</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=500012" >신한 인버스 달러인덱스 선물 ETN(H)</a></td>
                <td >9,225</td>
                <td >
            <span >0</span>
                <td >
            <span >0.00%</span>
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >0</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >92</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=500012"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1510</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=227830" >ARIRANG 코스피</a></td>
                <td >30,720</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >44</td>

                                <td >300</td>

                                <td >92</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=227830"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>

            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>

            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1511</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=364690" >KODEX 혁신기술테마액티브</a></td>
                <td >13,060</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_up.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="상승"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >977</td>

                                <td >700</td>

                                <td >91</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=364690"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1512</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=189400" >ARIRANG 글로벌MSCI(합성 H)</a></td>
                <td >17,870</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >272</td>

                                <td >510</td>

                                <td >91</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=189400"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1513</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=272230" >KINDEX 스마트밸류</a></td>
                <td >15,055</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >20</td>

                                <td >600</td>

                                <td >90</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=272230"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1514</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=570023" >TRUE 인버스 2X S&amp;P500 선물 ETN(H)</a></td>
                <td >1,800</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_up.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="상승"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >27,146</td>

                                <td >5,000</td>

                                <td >90</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=570023"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1515</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=167860" >KOSEF 국고채10년레버리지</a></td>
                <td >127,925</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >751</td>

                                <td >70</td>

                                <td >90</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=167860"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>

            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>

            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1516</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=610008" >메리츠 레버리지 국채30년 ETN</a></td>
                <td >8,915</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >1,098</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >89</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=610008"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1517</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=005965" >동부건설우</a></td>
                <td >39,400</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_up.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="상승"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >5,000</td>

                                <td >5,382</td>

                                <td >226</td>

                                <td >89</td>

                                <td >8.55</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                                <td >1.67</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=005965"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1518</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=700003" >하나 KRX BBIG K-뉴딜 ETN</a></td>
                <td >8,890</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_down.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="하락"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >5</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >89</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=700003"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1519</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=014825" >동원시스템즈우</a></td>
                <td >33,500</td>
                <td >
            <span >0</span>
                <td >
            <span >0.00%</span>
                <td >5,000</td>

                                <td >73</td>

                                <td >265</td>

                                <td >89</td>

                                <td >15.17</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                                <td >1.62</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=014825"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1520</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=307510" >TIGER 의료기기</a></td>
                <td >19,665</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_up.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="상승"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >7,758</td>

                                <td >450</td>

                                <td >88</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=307510"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>     


            <tr onm ouseover="mouseOver(this)" onm ouseout="mouseOut(this)">
                <td >1550</td>
                <td><a href="/item/main.naver?code=570032" >TRUE 인버스 2X HSCEI ETN(H)</a></td>
                <td >8,350</td>
                <td >
            <img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images/images4/ico_up.gif" width="7" height="6" style="margin-right:4px;" alt="상승"><span >
                <td >
            <span >
                <td >0</td>

                                <td >2,601</td>

                                <td >1,000</td>

                                <td >84</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td >N/A</td>

                <td ><a href="/item/board.naver?code=570032"><img src="https://ssl.pstatic.net/imgstock/images5/ico_debatebl2.gif" width="15" height="13" alt="토론실"></a></td>

            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="13" ></td></tr>


CodePudding user response:

Note Question needs some improvement in addition an url would be great, to get more context and come up with more specific solutions - Example is based on actually provided content

How to fix?

Select the need elements more specific css selectors could be used to - Following line will select all rows from table with captions that contains "코스피" and not have any th or a colspan:

soup.select('table:has(caption:-soup-contains("코스피")) tr:not(:has(th, [colspan]))')

This will create the resultset data with texts from row:

data = []

for row in soup.select('table:has(caption:-soup-contains("코스피")) tr:not(:has(th, [colspan]))'):
    data.append([x.text for x in row.select('td:not(.title)')])


Based on additional context of url (finance.naver.com/sise/sise_market_sum.nhn?page=31) css selectors changes like that.

To get the data (table is the only with classname type_2):

for row in soup.select('table.type_2 tr:not(:has(th, [colspan]))'):
        data.append([x.text for x in row.select('td:not(.title)')])

To get the headings:

list(soup.select_one('table.type_2 tr').stripped_strings)

Example ( create dataframe from data)

import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = requests.get('https://finance.naver.com/sise/sise_market_sum.nhn?page=31').text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')

data = []

for row in soup.select('table.type_2 tr:not(:has(th, [colspan]))'):
        data.append([x.text for x in row.select('td:not(.title)')])

pd.DataFrame(data, columns=list(soup.select_one('table.type_2 tr').stripped_strings))


N 종목명 현재가 전일비 등락률 액면가 거래량 상장주식수 시가총액 PER ROE PBR 토론실
1501 메리츠 인버스 2X 국채10년 ETN 9,445 50 0.53% 0 1 1,000 94 N/A N/A N/A
1502 KB 레버리지 구리 선물 ETN(H) 18,875 195 -1.02% 0 7 500 94 N/A N/A N/A
1503 TRUE 인버스 베트남 VN30 선물 ETN(H) 9,415 55 -0.58% 0 260 1,000 94 N/A N/A N/A
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