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Why compile yes, results out


# define P
3.14Void main ()
Double I;
Int x0, y0, r, rs.
Int gdriver=9, gmode=2;
Initgraph (& amp; Gdriver, & amp; Gmode, "");
Cleardevice ();
Setbkcolor (15);
Setcolor (5);
Outtextxy (80, 20, "The programm show The circles picture.");//can work: displays a string at the specified position
Setcolor (4);
Outtextxy (160, 60, "rR=50; Rs=70;
for(i=0; i<=2 * P; I +=P/18)
X0=200 + r * cos (I);
Y0=200 + r * sin (I);
Circle (x0, y0, rs);
Setcolor (3);
Outtextxy (360, 60, "r=rs");
R=50; Rs=50;
for(i=0; i<=2 * P; I +=P/18)
X0=380 + r * cos (I);
Y0=200 + r * sin (I);
Circle (x0, y0, rs);
Setcolor (6);
Outtextxy (480, 60, "r> Rs ");
R=50; Rs=35;
for(i=0; i<=2 * P; I +=P/18)
X0=500 + r * cos (I);
Y0=200 + r * sin (I);
Circle (x0, y0, rs);
Setcolor (5);
Outtextxy (80460, "press any key to quit... ");
Getch ();
Closegraph ();

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Compile environment?
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