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VS appeared when why code storage, unable to read from memory, strives for the great god save


using namespace std;
Struct Dancer
int num; No.//dancers
String name;//name
int age;//age
String sex;//gender
Int height;//height
Int weight;//weight
The string type.//dance type
Struct Node
Dancer data;
Struct Node * next;
The class DancerList
DancerList ()
First Node *=new Node;
First - & gt; Next=NULL;
~ DancerList ()
The Node * p, * q;
While (p)
P=p - & gt; Next;
The delete q;
Void the Insert ()//add
Node * z;
Z=new Node;
Cout & lt; <"Num:";
Cin & gt;> Z - & gt; Data. The num;
Cout & lt; <"Name:";
Cin & gt;> Z - & gt; Data. The name;
Cout & lt; <"Sex";
Cin & gt;> Z - & gt; Data. The sex;
Cout & lt; <"The age:";
Cin & gt;> Z - & gt; Data. The age;
Cout & lt; <"Height:";
Cin & gt;> Z - & gt; Data. The height;
Cout & lt; <"Weight:";
Cin & gt;> Z - & gt; Data. The weight;
Cout & lt; <"Type:";
Cin & gt;> Z - & gt; Data. The type;
Z - & gt; Next=first - & gt; Next;
First - & gt; Next=z;
Void the Delete (int num)
The Node * p, * q;
P=q - & gt; Next;
While (p)
If (p - & gt; Data. The num==num)
P=p - & gt; Next;
If (p==NULL)
Cout & lt; <"Error" num & lt; The else
Q - & gt; Next=p - & gt; Next;
The delete p;

Void the Modify (int num)
The Node * p, * q;
P=q - & gt; Next;
While (p)
If (p - & gt; Data. The num==num)
P=p - & gt; Next;
If (p==NULL)
Cout & lt; <"Error" num & lt; The else
Cout & lt; <"Change.";
Cout & lt; <"Num:";
Cin & gt;> P - & gt; Data. The num;
Cout & lt; <"Name:";
Cin & gt;> P - & gt; Data. The name;
Cout & lt; <"Sex";
Cin & gt;> P - & gt; Data. The sex;
Cout & lt; <"The age:";
Cin & gt;> P - & gt; Data. The age;
Cout & lt; <"Height:";
Cin & gt;> P - & gt; Data. The height;
Cout & lt; <"Weight:";
Cin & gt;> P - & gt; Data. The weight;
Cout & lt; <"Type:";
Cin & gt;> P - & gt; Data. The type;
Cout & lt; <"Success" & lt; }
Node * Search (int num)
Node * p;
P=first - & gt; Next;
While (p)
If (p - & gt; Data. The num==num)
P=p - & gt; Next;
return p;

Int the Count ()
int count=0;
Node * p;
P=first - & gt; Next;
While (p)
P=p - & gt; Next;
Cout & lt; <"Number has been input dancers: :" & lt; Return the count.
Void the output ()
Cout & lt; <"Number" & lt; <'\ t' & lt; <"Name" & lt; <'\ t' & lt; <"Gender" & lt; <'\ t' & lt; <"Age" & lt; <'\ t' & lt; <"Height" & lt; <'\ t' & lt; <"Weight" & lt; <'\ t' & lt; <"Dance" & lt; Struct Node * p;
P=first - & gt; Next;
While (p)
Cout & lt;

Cout & lt;

P=p - & gt; Next;

Node * first;
# include "dancer1. H"
using namespace std;

Int main ()
DancerList d;
Int choice=1;
Int n=0;
Int k=0;
Int t=0;
Node * p;
While (choice!=8)
Cout<& lt;" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * 1. Insert * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * 2. Delete * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * 3. The Modify * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * 4. The Search * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * 5. Count * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * 6. The Output * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * 7. Sort * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * 8. Exit * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * * "& lt; Cout<& lt;" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "& lt; CoutCout<& lt;" Both please input choice: ";
cin> Choice;
The switch (choice)
Case 1:
D.I nsert ();
Case 2:
Cout<& lt;" Please input dancers to delete information number: "& lt; cin> n;
D.D elete (n);
Case 3:
Cout<& lt;" Please input dancers to modify information number: "& lt; cin> k;
D.M odify (k);
Case 4:

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