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GOLANG unmarshal dynamic JSON


I am very new to GOLANG.

I have been trying for quite some time now to unmarshal an ethereum RPC JSON which has a dynamic structure. No GOLANG struct and map setup I did worked and I am able to get the stateDiff entries (3) but all lower structs seem not to be filled ith any data. So I am able to loop through all the 3 entries but then don't know how to access the values below and when dumping the unmarshal result, I see that GOLANG is not delivering the data anyway into StateDiff



I have tried to unmarshal the JSON into the following structure (among many) and i can't get the values such as result>stateDiff>0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000>balance>*>from Struct below is just one of many i tried. I can't get anything below the entry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

type structChange struct {
    Changes map[string]string `json:"*"`

type structStateDiff struct {
    Balance *structChange            `json:"balance"`
    Code    string                    `json:"code"`
    Nonce   string                    `json:"nonce"`
    Storage map[string]*structChange `json:"storage"`

type res_trace_replayTransaction struct {
    Jsonrpc string `json:"jsonrpc"`
    ID      int    `json:"id"`
    Result  struct {
        Output    string                      `json:"output"`
        StateDiff map[string]*structStateDiff `json:"stateDiff"`
        Trace     []interface{}               `json:"trace"`
        VMTrace   interface{}                 `json:"vmTrace"`
    } `json:"result"`

EDIT: Code for umarshal

retObj := rpcCall(jstring)

var callResponse res_trace_replayTransaction
err := json.Unmarshal(retObj, &callResponse)

CodePudding user response:

Note that by default the encoding/json package can unmarshal a JSON string into a Go string, and it can unmarshal a JSON object into a Go map or a Go struct. Additionally it can unmarshal any JSON value into an empty interface{}.

Also note that Go is a statically typed language, if you specify a value to be of type T1 then, at runtime, you cannot change it's type to T2. There is just no way to do it, no way to change a value's type.

So if you define a field to be of some struct type, you cannot, by default, unmarshal a JSON string into it. And equally if you define a field to be of type string, you cannot, by default, unmarshal a JSON object into it.

But because JSON itself allows for a dynamic structure the encoding/json package provides two interfaces that give you the ability to customize how the JSON is marshaled and unmarshaled.

So if you have a JSON property (e.g. "balance" or "nonce") that can be either "=" (a string), or { ... } (an object), you will need to declare a custom type that implements the json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler interfaces that know how to properly marshal and unmarshal the JSON value.

For example:

type structChange struct {
    Changes map[string]string `json:"*"`

func (s structChange) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    // if empty retrun `"="`
    if len(s.Changes) == 0 {
        return []byte(`"="`), nil

    // otherwise marshal as is
    type T structChange
    return json.Marshal(T(s))

func (s *structChange) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    // if `"="`, ignore
    if string(data) == `"="` {
        return nil

    // otherwise assume it's a valid object
    type T structChange
    return json.Unmarshal(data, (*T)(s))

NOTE: the temporary type T above is used to avoid a stack overflow caused by an infinite recursive call to the MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON methods.


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