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How to convert MP4 to AVI format, thank you


How to convert MP4 to AVI format, thank you

CodePudding user response:

WinAVI All in One Converter

CodePudding user response:

Code, you can use the coolie FFVCL, ffmpeg

CodePudding user response:

Why don't you call external command-line ffmpeg?

CodePudding user response:

- validated, fails, the compression rate is little not much, and have no direct, need the h264
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 4 - vcodec mpeg4 - b: v 1000 k test_A1. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 8 - vcodec mpeg4 - b: v 800 k test_A2. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 8 - vcodec mpeg4 - b 200 k test_A3. Mp4

- the effect is similar to above A, abandoned, opened eight threads, compression bit rate - the smaller the CRF articulation, the higher the
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 8 - CRF 22 - y - vcodec mpeg4 - strict experimental test_B1. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 8 - CRF 26 - y - vcodec mpeg4 - strict experimental test_B2. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 8-28 CRF - y - vcodec mpeg4 - strict experimental test_B3. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 8-30 - y - vcodec CRF mpeg4 - strict experimental test_B4. Mp4

- compression generated FLV, compression ratio is not high, even after compression is greater than the original file a third
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 8 - ab ar 56-22050 - r 15 s 640 x360 test_F1. FLV
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 8 test_F2. FLV
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - b 300 k test_F3. FLV

Generated thumbnail -
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - y - f image2 - ss 8-0.001 s 320 x240 t test. The JPG

- turn the h264, -s 640 * 360, - moveflags faststart left moov front, support downloading while playing,
- Lao wu use: ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - b - 600 k r 25 s 640 * 360-48 k ab - strict - 2 test_ok. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - threads 8 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 200 k - b r 25 - ab 48 k - strict - 2 test_C1. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 600 k - b r 25 - ab 48 k - strict - 2 test_C2. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 threads - 2 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 600 k - b r 25 - ab 48 k - strict - 2 test_C3. Mp4

- find threads added a little use, but feeling a bit slower
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - b - 600 k r 25 s 640 * 360-48 k ab - strict - 2 test_C4. Mp4
Ffmpeg - I - C: \ Users \ guestAdmin empty folder \ \ Desktop \ K A00000592C0B5B \ 20180610 \ IMG_20180610104643 mp4 - C: v libx264 - b - 600 K r 25 s 1280 * 720-48 K ab - strict - 2 test_C5. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i DreamItPossible. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - b - 300 k r 25 s 640 * 360-48 k ab - strict - 2 test_C5. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i DreamItPossible. Mp4 - threads 8 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - b - 300 k r 25 s 320 * 240-48 k ab - strict - 2 test_C6. Mp4

- support download put:
Qt - faststart test_c4. Mp4 test_D1. Mp4

Qt - faststart DreamItPossible. Mp4 test_D2. Mp4

-- - movflags faststart
- http://saas.ihaihong.cn/YinShiPin/upload/FTP/862107034362822/20180615/filesIMG_20180615193440.mp4
Ffmpeg -i \ 20180615\862107034362822 filesIMG_20180615193440 - old. Mp4 - c: v libx264 862107034362822\20180615 \ filesIMG_20180615193440-264. Mp4
Qt - 862107034362822\20180615 \ filesIMG_20180615193440 faststart - 264. 862107034362822\20180615 \ mp4 filesIMG_20180615193440. Mp4

Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - y test_E1. Mp4
Transformers turn - h264, 300 m 69 m after compression, resolution, bit rate down, too vague
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 300 k - b y test_E2. Mp4
Hasn't changed - turn h264, resolution, bit rate to 600
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 600 k - b y test_E3. Mp4
- turn the h264, resolution, bit rate also reduced to 300
Ffmpeg -i test. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart x360-640 - b 300 k - s y. test_E4, mp4
- test law enforcement apparatus
Ffmpeg - I - C: \ Users \ guestAdmin empty folder \ \ Desktop \ K law enforcement by the native. Mp4 - C: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 300 K - b y test_E5. Mp4
Ffmpeg -i hai kang. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 300 k - b y test_E6. Mp4

- turn out no sound, solve the problem of voice, high version of the ffmpeg support
Ffmpeg -i hk. Mp4 - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 300 k - b y test_F2. Mp4

- turn with the blank space of file
Ffmpeg. Exe - I "D: \ audio \ 1 2, 345. A WMV" - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 300 - b y k "D: \ audio \ 1 2, 345. A mp4"

- this use screen video experts of avi, after converted to mp4 only sound no image
Ffmpeg. Exe -i "xp - IP. Avi" - c: v libx264 - movflags faststart - 300 - b y k "xp - IP. Mp4"
Ffmpeg. Exe -i "xp - IP. Avi" - c: v libx264 - strict - 2 - movflags faststart - 300 - b y k "xp - IP. Mp4"

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