Home > Back-end >  How I can handle my dataset (insert a colomn that depend on value existant) in Python?
How I can handle my dataset (insert a colomn that depend on value existant) in Python?


My dataset is like this:

ExecutionTime Code Amount
09102021D081020 HUUSNJUNJ 500000
09102021D081020 HUNSKMWKKS 500000
09102021D093042 NAUWJMKMS 498333
09102021D093042 SJIAJIJIJI 498333
09102021D093042 BHDYWHWHY 498333
09102021D081020 JHWJDNJWND 454555

Then I expect to detect that when I have 2 lines ExecutionTime is the same, it is Type 1, 3 lines ExecutionTime same, it is Type 2 and I get that line to new dataframe like this:

ExecutionTime Code Type of Operation
09102021D081020 HUUSNJUNJ Type 1
09102021D093042 NAUWJMKMS Type 2

Welcome to any idea and suggestions! Thanks!

CodePudding user response:

IIUC, You can use groupby on "ExecutionTime","Amount" and transform the count, then with a helper dictionary, map the values and then aggregate first with groupby on ExecutionTime:

s = df.groupby(["ExecutionTime","Amount"])['ExecutionTime'].transform('count')
d = {2:'Type 1',3:'Type 2'} #expand your dict as necessary
out = (df.assign(Type=s.map(d)).groupby('ExecutionTime',as_index=False)


     ExecutionTime       Code    Type
0  09102021D081020  HUUSNJUNJ  Type 1
1  09102021D093042  NAUWJMKMS  Type 2

CodePudding user response:

Assuming you want to group by ExecutionTime and Amount and only keep the groups with 2 or 3 rows. Use groupby with a custom function and a defaultdict, then dropna

from collections import defaultdict
maps = defaultdict(lambda:None, {2: 'Type 1', 3: 'Type 2'})

(df.groupby(['ExecutionTime', 'Amount'])['Code']
   .agg([('Code', 'first'), ('Type of operation', lambda s: maps[s.count()])])
   .dropna(subset=['Type of operation'])


                      Code Type of operation
09102021D081020  HUUSNJUNJ            Type 1
09102021D093042  NAUWJMKMS            Type 2

CodePudding user response:

Try this:

new_df = (
        **{'Type of Operation': (
            .transform(lambda x: f'Type {x.shape[0] - 1}')
    .drop_duplicates(['Type of Operation'])


>>> new_df
     ExecutionTime        Code  Amount Type of Operation
0  09102021D081020   HUUSNJUNJ  500000            Type 1
1  09102021D093042   NAUWJMKMS  498333            Type 2
2  09102021D081020  JHWJDNJWND  454555            Type 0

Compact version:

df.assign(**{'Type of Operation':df.groupby(df.ExecutionTime.ne(df.ExecutionTime.shift(1)).cumsum())['Code'].transform(lambda x: f'Type {x.shape[0] - 1}')}).drop_duplicates(['Type of Operation']).reset_index(drop=True)
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