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According to ali's official documents use pandoraboot HSF application, starting the provider pr


To download http://mvnrepo.alibaba-inc.com/mvn/repository/com/alibaba/citrus/tool/antx-autoconfig/1.2-jdk9-3/antx-autoconfig-1.2-jdk9-3.jar to C: \ Users \ \. CET autoconf \ autoconf - 1.2 - jdk9-3. The jar
C: \ Users \ \. CET autoconf \ autoconf - 1.2 - jdk9-3. The jar doesn 't exist.
Found wining one taobao - HSF. SAR from the classpath, both please check your config! Urls:
Jar file:/D:/8 e5 af e % % % % % e7 a2%83/apache maven - 3.3.9/repo/com/taobao/Pandora/taobao - HSF. SAR/2019-06 - stable/taobao - HSF. SAR - 2019-06 - stable. The jar!/com/taobao/Pandora/guide. The properties
Jar file:/D:/8 e5 af e % % % % % e7 a2%83/apache maven - 3.3.9/repo/com/taobao/Pandora/taobao - HSF. SAR - container/2019-06 - stable/taobao - HSF. SAR - the container - 2019-06 - stable. The jar!/com/taobao/Pandora/guide properties
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