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Maveng dependence tree view: MVN dependency: tree


maven project view depends on the jar tree:
 MVN dependency: tree 

The results are as follows:
 [INFO] com. Mongo: the boot: jar: 0.0.1 - the SNAPSHOT 
[the INFO] + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter - JDBC: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | | + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | | + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - autoconfigure: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | | + - Jakarta. Annotation: Jakarta. The annotation - API: jar: 1.3.5: compile
[the INFO] | | \ - org. Yaml: snakeyaml: jar: 1.25: the runtime
[the INFO] | + - com. Zaxxer: HikariCP: jar: 3.4.1 track: compile
| \ [INFO] - org. Springframework: spring - JDBC: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework: spring - beans: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
| \ [INFO] - org. Springframework: spring - tx: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] + - org. Mybatis. Spring. The boot: mybatis - spring - the boot - starter: jar: 2.0.1: compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Mybatis. Spring. The boot: mybatis - spring - the boot - autoconfigure: jar: 2.0.1: compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Mybatis: mybatis: jar: 3.5.1 track of: compile
| \ [INFO] - org. Mybatis: mybatis - spring: jar: 2.0.1: compile
[the INFO] + - org. Projectlombok: lombok: jar: 1.18.0: provided
[the INFO] + - org. Jodd: jodd -all: jar: 5.1.0: compile
[the INFO] + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter - web: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter - json: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | | + - com. Fasterxml. Jackson. Datatype: Jackson - datatype - jdk8: jar: 2.10.0: compile
[the INFO] | | + - com. Fasterxml. Jackson. Datatype: Jackson - datatype - jsr310: jar: 2.10.0: compile
[the INFO] | | \ - com fasterxml. Jackson. The module: Jackson - module - parameter - names: jar: 2.10.0: compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter - tomcat: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | | + - org.. Apache tomcat. Embed: tomcat embed - core: jar: 9.0.27: compile
[the INFO] | | + - org.. Apache tomcat. Embed: tomcat embed - el: jar: 9.0.27: compile
[the INFO] | | \ - org. Apache tomcat, embed: tomcat embed - websocket: jar: 9.0.27: compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter - validation: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | | + - Jakarta. Validation: Jakarta. Validation - API: jar: 2.0.1: compile
[the INFO] | | \ - org. Hibernate validator: hibernate validator: jar: 6.0.18. Final: compile
[the INFO] | | + - org. Jboss. Logging: jboss - logging: jar: 3.4.1 track. The Final: the compile
[the INFO] | | \ - com fasterxml: classmate: jar: 1.5.1: compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework: spring - web: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
| \ [INFO] - org. Springframework: spring - webmvc: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework: spring aop: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework: spring - the context: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
| \ [INFO] - org. Springframework: spring - expression: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter - test: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the test
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - test: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the test
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - test - autoconfigure: jar: 2.2.1. RELEASE: the test
[the INFO] | + - com. Jayway. Jsonpath: json - path: jar: 2.4.0: test
[INFO] | | \ -.net minidev: json - smart: jar: 2.3: test
[INFO] | | \ -.net minidev: accessors - smart: jar: 1.2: test
[the INFO] | | \ - org. Ow2. Asm: asm: jar: 5.0.4: test
[the INFO] | + - Jakarta. XML. Bind: Jakarta. XML. The bind - API: jar: 2.3.2: test
[the INFO] | | \ - Jakarta. Activation: Jakarta. Activation - API: jar: 1.2.1: test
[the INFO] | + - org. Junit. Jupiter: junit - Jupiter: jar: 5.5.2: test
[the INFO] | | + - org. Junit. Jupiter: junit - Jupiter - API: jar: 5.5.2: test
[the INFO] | | | + - org. Apiguardian: apiguardian - API: jar: 1.1.0: test
[the INFO] | | | + - org. Opentest4j: opentest4j: jar: 1.2.0: test
[the INFO] | | | \ - org. Junit. Platform: junit - platform - the Commons: jar: 1.5.2: test
[the INFO] | | + - org. Junit. Jupiter: junit - Jupiter - params: jar: 5.5.2: test
[the INFO] | | \ - org. Junit. Jupiter: junit - Jupiter - engine: jar: 5.5.2: test
[the INFO] | | \ - org. Junit. Platform: junit - platform - engine: jar: 1.5.2: test
[the INFO] | + - org. Mockito: mockito - junit - Jupiter: jar: 3.1.0: test
[the INFO] | + - org. Assertj: assertj - core: jar: 3.13.2: test
[the INFO] | + - org. Hamcrest: hamcrest: jar: 2.1: test
[the INFO] | + - org. Mockito: mockito - core: jar: 3.1.0: test
[the INFO] | | + - net. Bytebuddy: byte - buddy: jar: 1.10.2: test
[the INFO] | | + - net. Bytebuddy: byte - buddy - agent: jar: 1.10.2: test
[the INFO] | | \ - org. Objenesis: objenesis: jar: 2.6: test
[the INFO] | + - org. Skyscreamer: jsonassert: jar: 1.5.0: test
[the INFO] | | \ - com. Vaadin. External. Google: android - json: jar: 0.0.20131108. Vaadin1: test
[the INFO] | + - org. Springframework: spring - the core: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
[the INFO] | | \ - org. Springframework: spring - the JCL: jar: 5.2.1. RELEASE: the compile
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