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Does the use of auto keyword enable dynamic binding in C ?


The following is the code snippet from geeksforgeeks to demonestrate early and late binding in C .

// CPP Program to illustrate late binding
using namespace std;
class Base
    virtual void show() { cout<<" In Base \n"; }
class Derived: public Base
    void show() { cout<<"In Derived \n"; }
int main(void)
    Base *bp = new Derived;
    bp->show(); // RUN-TIME POLYMORPHISM
    return 0;

We need to use the virtual keyword inorder to get polymorphism in C . However if I remove the virtual keyword from the class Base and use auto keyword when I create an object(auto *bp = new Derived;) still get same result. How is it possible as auto variable is resolved at compile time?

CodePudding user response:

No, it does not. auto is deduced completely at compile-time, the same way as template arguments are.

So here new Derived has type Derived* and therefore the obvious type for auto be deduced to is Derived.

auto *bp = new Derived;

is here completely equivalent to

Derived *bp = new Derived;

and you can see that the "correct" show is called here only because the pointer is already a pointer to the derived class.

If you use static_cast<Base*>(bp)->show() to cast the pointer back to its base class first, then you will see that there is no runtime polymorphism without virtual.

CodePudding user response:

No, the auto keyword does not mean that anything is resolved at run time. It's just a shorthand that tells the compiler to figure out what type should be put there.

When you write auto * bg = new Derived; is means the same thing as Derived * bg = new Derived;. If you don't believe me, look at the error message your compiler gives you when you run this code:

class Base {};
class Derived: public Base {};
int main(void)
  auto * bp = new Derived;
  int i = bp;  // the error here tells us what type bp is

The error message for the invalid definition of i will be something like invalid conversion from 'Derived*' to 'int'. This tells us that the compiler figured out that auto is actually Derived, and it did it at compile time, not run time.

Moving on, to answer the second part of your question: you were wondering why bp->show() resolved to Derived::show instead of Base::show when you removed the virtual keyword. The answer is simple: the compiler knows that the type of bp is Derived *, so when you try to call show, it will find Derived::show and use that. There is nothing magical or mysterious going on there.

Now, if you want to cast bp to a pointer of type Base * and then call show() on that pointer, that is the case where you have use virtual functions if you want your program to use Derived::show instead of Base::show.

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