Home > Back-end >  Update the salary of each instructor to 10000 times the number of course sections they have taught
Update the salary of each instructor to 10000 times the number of course sections they have taught


Instructor table

ID name dept_name salary
10101 Srinivasan Comp. Sci. 65000.00
12121 Wu Finance 90000.00
15151 Mozart Music 40000.00
22222 Einstein Physics 95000.00
32343 El Said History 60000.00
33456 Gold Physics 87000.00
45565 Katz Comp. Sci. 75000.00
58583 Califieri History 62000.00
76543 Singh Finance 80000.00
76766 Crick Biology 72000.00
83821 Brandt Comp. Sci. 92000.00
98345 Kim Elec. Eng. 80000.00

Teaches table

ID course_id sec_id semester year
76766 BIO-101 1 Summer 2017
76766 BIO-301 1 Summer 2018
10101 CS-101 1 Fall 2017
83821 CS-190 1 Spring 2017
83821 CS-190 2 Spring 2017
83821 CS-319 2 Spring 2018
10101 CS-347 1 Fall 2017
98345 EE-18 1 Spring 2017
22222 PHY-101 1 Fall 2017

I tried this

update instructor 
set salary = 10000 * (
select count(distinct sec_id, semester, year)
from teaches 
where instruction.ID = teaches.ID);

CodePudding user response:

I don't know if below approach is your expected result but it might give you a hint if is not the solution to your problem.

CREATE TABLE instructor  (
  id int,
  name varchar(25),
  dept_name varchar(50),
  salary decimal(10,2) );

(10101,'Srinivasan',"Comp. Sci.",65000.00),
(32343,'El Said','History',60000.00),
(45565,'Katz','Comp. Sci.',75000.00),
(83821,'Brandt','Comp. Sci.',92000.00),
(98345,'Kim','Elec. Eng.',80000.00);

CREATE TABLE teaches (
  id int,
  course_id varchar(25),
  sec_id int,
  semester varchar(20),
  year int  );


update instructor i
inner join 
      (  select id,
                count(distinct course_id)  as cource_id_count
         from teaches 
         group by id
      ) as t1 on t1.id=i.id 
set i.salary= 10000 * t1.cource_id_count;

Demo: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_8.0&fiddle=2a33159d87254d3a39535ccd9bf542d3

Check for more details on update :https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/update.html

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