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Finding straight lines from tightly coupled lines and noise curvy lines


I have this image for a treeline crop. I need to find the general direction in which the crop is aligned. I'm trying to get the Hough lines of the image, and then find the mode of distribution of angles.magnitude spectrum

The main beaming ray can be easily seen. You can extract its angle by iterating over many lines with an increasing angle and sum the magnitude values on each line as in the following figure:


Here is the magnitude sum of each line plotted against the angle (in radian) of the line:

sum plotted against the angle

Based on that, you just need to find the angle that maximize the computed sum.

Here is the resulting code:

def computeAngle(arr):
    # Naive inefficient algorithm
    n, m = arr.shape
    yCenter, xCenter = (n-1, m//2-1)
    lineLen = m//2-2
    sMax = 0.0
    bestAngle = np.nan
    for angle in np.arange(0, math.pi, math.pi/300):
        i = np.arange(lineLen)
        y, x = (np.sin(angle) * i   0.5).astype(np.int_), (np.cos(angle) * i   0.5).astype(np.int_)
        s = np.sum(arr[yCenter-y, xCenter x])
        if s > sMax:
            bestAngle = angle
            sMax = s
    return bestAngle

# Load the image in gray
img = cv2.imread('lines.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

# Apply some filters
gauss = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (3,3), 3)
gscale = cv2.Canny(gauss, 80, 140)

# Compute the 2D FFT of real values
freqs = np.fft.rfft2(gscale)

# Shift the frequencies (centering) and select the low frequencies
upperPart = freqs[:freqs.shape[0]//4,:freqs.shape[1]//2]
lowerPart = freqs[-freqs.shape[0]//4:,:freqs.shape[1]//2]
filteredFreqs = np.vstack((lowerPart, upperPart))

# Compute the magnitude spectrum
magnitude = np.log(np.abs(filteredFreqs))

# Correct the angle
magnitude = np.rot90(magnitude).copy()

# Find the major angle
bestAngle = computeAngle(magnitude)
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